Voice of KP

Pakistani Students and Online Learning

Pakistani Students and Online Learning

As the COVID-19 pandemic has become a global challenge, it has affected every aspect of life. Like many other things, the COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed students’ lives. It has led to the closure of all the educational institutions all over the world. Getting an education has become more difficult for young people particularly ones living in rural areas or third world countries.

Pakistan was no exception in this regard, online learning was introduced in Pakistan to overcome the interruption of education. Almost all the institutions of Pakistan have started online learning even those where there was no concept of Distance Learning existed before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Online learning is learning through technology and the internet. For many institutions of Pakistan, online learning was a difficult choice due to the lack of skilled teachers to use technology. Another aspect was the poor quality of the internet in a large swathe of the country. Many students had to go open places in search of internet signals.  Notwithstanding all these issues, online learning also has its advantages and disadvantages.



There are pros and cons to everything. Thus, some of the cons or disadvantages of online learning are

It is evident from the above comparison between the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, Pakistani students were unable to get any benefit from online learning experiments due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Now as the schools have been reopened, it is being assumed that students will be able to get full advantages of their classroom learning where they will be able to interact with their teachers and peers.

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