Voice of KP

Study circles can save our young generation from religious extremism

Study Circle in Pakistan and especially in Khyber PakhtunKhwa is a new, innovative and non-formal method of learning which helps the students to learn new things in broad perspectives and think wider on an issue.

The students and even the common masses who want to learn the things with all the existing perspectives and angles meet regularly in small groups to have discussions on a book and all this activity is performed under the supervision of an expert having command on the subject which is selected for the discussion.

Meanwhile, many educationists and experts believe that few years ago the idea of Study Circle was a rare activity among youth in Pakistan, but this activity has gained popularity especially in tribal districts of KP in recent years which is a kind of positive omen for the future of young generation.

According to the academic experts, Study Circles is the only way which creates ability of asking questions in the young generation and it also creates a sense of critical thinking among the youth of the country.

According to Asif Muhmand an organizer of Study Circles in Peshawar, “this idea was firstly introduced by some of senior students of Peshawar University back in 2012 and it has helped the young generation a lot to think out of the box.”

He stated that the national curriculum was out dated and has no capacity to make the student able to think critically and ask critical question, so Study Circle is the only way to create an ability of valid questioning among the youth of the country.

He concluded that it is a harsh fact that the public libraries in Pakistan are getting deserted day by day and the main reason for it was the unwillingness of the young generation towards reading or studying a book but besides many other positive outcomes, arranging study circles will also create a desire of curiosity of reading books among the youth of Pakistan.

According to a latest survey of Gallup and Gillani Foundation conducted on 1,178 men and women in rural as well as urban areas of four provinces between 23rd February and 3rd March 2019. The survey revealed that only 9% of Pakistani are keen readers and 75% are not reading any book.

Meanwhile, senior educationist and academic expert Dr Sadeema Bano said that if a society wants to save its young generation from religious extremism, then more and more study circles must be arranged for the youth of the society.

She maintained that Pakistan in general and KP along with tribal districts in specific has been portrayed as a religious extremist region of the country; but frequent Study Circles on different issues will help to beat extremism and a culture of debate and dialogue with evidences will directly take place in society which will portray a positive message of the society to the rest of the world.

Jamal Shams another regular participator of the Study Circle said that many of the students do not know about their indigenous heroes and regional or domestic movements of their ancestors; but study circle was the only way to let them know about their distorted history.

He advised the youngsters to arrange the study circles as more as they can because it will help them to gain confidence and raise valid questions on different issues.The students and educationists are playing their role to arrange regular Study Circles in Peshawar and its outskirts; but the KP government should also pay its attention towards this activity and should help the financially because it is one of the activities which will save our young generation from becoming religious extremists.

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