Tourism amid Corona Crisis

Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced the opening of tourist attraction sites with defined SOPs in northern areas and critics in no time have started censuring the decision terming it premature and aggressive. SOPs have been separately announced for the travellers, host sites, restaurants and transportation. Social distancing, masks and sanitizer have been made compulsory and any violation will cost tourists heavy fines. Local governments have also been made responsible to keep a check on tourists coming to their areas.

Tourism industry as a whole have suffered significantly in the last decade and a half due to long drawn war against terrorism. Present government has invested heavily to improve the image of country in order to attract more tourists. Resultantly, the industry has witnessed a resurgence in past few years, where the number of tourists has grown steadily. In year 2017, 1.75 million tourists visited Pakistan, the tally went up to 1.9 million in 2018 and Pakistan was also named in World’s Top Adventure Travel Destination by British Backpacker Society. In 2019 1.5 billion local and international tourists visited different areas of Pakistan. Pakistan was ranked as World’s Coolest Place to visit by Forbes and was also specified as Best Holiday Destination for 2020.

Amid present circumstances, all industries have suffered huge losses in revenue generation, easing lockdown and allowing some sectors to work seems to be an effort to bolster the economy. Tourism in northern parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan is one of the major source of income generation for the local residents, as local and international tourists visits these areas to explore nature. Millions of citizens earn their livelihood by hosting travelers and tourists. In Pakistan, 3.8 Million people are directly or indirectly associated with the tourism industry and it contribute 7.4 percent share in total GDP of country.

Corona pandemic has not only hit urban areas badly but also affected people of northern region as no tourists were allowed due to lockdown in the country. With no treatment or cure in sight, a developing country like Pakistan cannot afford a prolong lockdown. Tourism might sound an extravagance for the people who do not have direct stakes involved, however, a complete ban on tourism is likely to starve the lower class and poor associated with industry. With soaring temperatures in southern parts of the country, these areas receive the bulk of tourists during summers.

Keeping in view corona pandemic situation which might further prolong, a conditional opening of tourist attraction seems to be a sensible decision. Government should put in sustained efforts to create ease for travelers to sustain a constant flow of tourists to keep the local economy running. The announcement is likely to encourage locals to visit these areas, however, a surge in tourism might be witness on occasion of Eid-ul-Fitar. It is imperative to ensure that tourists follow all standard operating procedures during travelling to avoid the spread of corona. This will also help in convincing foreign tourists to travel these areas.

“Judges choosing judges is the antithesis of democracy”

During the Second World War, When Luftwaffe (German Airforce) was bombing London and wreaking havoc, the British prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, while getting brief on the situation, asked, “Are the courts functioning?” When told that the judges were dispensing justice as normal, Churchill replied, “Thank God, If the courts are working, nothing can go wrong.” These historical words clearly indicate the importance, significance and resistance of a just society towards external threats and challenges.

Judiciary is regarded as a main pillar of the modern state upon which the entire building is resting. The dispensation of justice to society should be the first and foremost priority of the state as unjust society cannot survive for very long. It must also be remembered that justice means adjudication by the courts strictly in accordance with the law and the constitution without allowing subjective considerations to influence the ultimate verdicts. Therefore, judiciary should be the most self-righteous organization as the justice administered by it reinforces the building of the state.

The history of Judiciary in Pakistan has not many bright spots as it has remained a tool of the powerful from time to time. A concise history of Pakistan gives various such instances when the legal executive took on a supporting role to the powers that administered the state at that point. The question arises that despite a robust democratic setup and a very elaborative selection system, why is judiciary still not able to maintain its independence and is marred by allegation of favoritism and politicization.

The judiciary of Pakistan is a hierarchical system with two classes of courts: the superior judiciary and the subordinate judiciary. The superior judiciary is composed of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the Federal Shariat Court and five High Courts, with the Supreme Court as the apex court. Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan have separate court systems. The Constitution of Pakistan entrusts the superior judiciary with the obligation to preserve, protect and defend the constitution.

The selection process of judges in Pakistan has been subjected to various debates as the confirmation process for judges is dubious and prone to favoritism. After passage of the 18th and 19th Constitutional Amendments, a new Judicial Commission (named Judicial Commission of Pakistan) and Parliamentary Committee were established for appointments of judges. The Judicial Commission of Pakistan consists of nine members: the Chief Justice of Pakistan, four senior judges of the Supreme Court, a former Chief Justice or judge of the Supreme Court nominated by the serving Chief Justice in consultation with the four serving judges of the Supreme Court, the Attorney General of Pakistan, the Federal Minister for Law and Justice and one senior advocate nominated by the Pakistan Bar Council. The Parliamentary Committee confirm or may not confirm the nominees of the Judicial Commission. All power of executive was curtailed by the judicial commission as president has no discretionary power but only to approve the nominees. Prime minister has only ministerial power regarding the appointment procedure.

Civil Judge Cum Judicial Magistrates are appointed by the Provincial High Courts, on the recommendation of provincial Public Service Commissions. These Commissions hold open competitive exams annually, which are advertised in national newspapers. The basic qualifications required are LLB (Bachelor of Laws) from any recognized university, and two years’ experience as an advocate in the jurisdiction in question.

Additional District & Sessions Judges can also be appointed by the Provincial & federal High Courts, from a pool of Lawyers and subordinate judges. To be eligible for appointment, Lawyers must have ten years’ experience as an advocate with good standing in the respective jurisdiction. They must also pass an examination conducted by the High Courts. Subordinate judges are also promoted from senior civil judges on seniority basis.

As Robert Stevens wrote in The English Judges, “Judges choosing judges is the antithesis of democracy”. Due to presence of a duplicate selection system with an internal exam, the appointees from lawyers are mainly politically motivated. The judges’ political affiliation in their appointment comes with a cost as they are indebted to their so-called political masters and thus in future cases related to the political parties will have to be molded to pay the debts thus confirming the famous saying of Milton Friedman, “There is no such thing as free lunch.”

Another issue is the intrusion of Judicial activism in the Executive affairs of the state by suo moto actions. A clear example of this misplaced judicial activism is Reko Diq case which is likely to cost billions of dollars to the country if the government fails to win the case. In the wake of COVID-19, the recent action by the Honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan to open markets for Eid-ul-Fitr shopping and then taking his decision back after two weeks is a sad story of our judiciary system.

In a nutshell, revamping the judicial system of Pakistan is a need of the hour. Firming up the judicial selection process and revamping the criminal justice system would increase the faith of general public on the judiciary and will also discourage parallel legal forums such as jirgas. It is crucial to reform the justice system to empower citizens and earn their trust by dispensing unbiased and speedy justice.

Is opposition Criticism on Budget 2020-21 Justified?

The PTI-led government on Friday introduced a tax-free budget of Rs7.13 trillion for Fiscal Year 2020-21, but the government is being extensively criticized for not providing relief to the common masses of the country; however, many economists termed this criticism as one sided and unfair as the government had managed to introduce a realistic budget considering the challenges of the coronavirus and other external factors.

Pakistan’s economy was already on ventilator and the pandemic has made the situation more worst triggering negative growth. Critics of the government have completely ignored the prevailing pandemic situation and are politicizing the budget despite knowing the economic constraints.

Economy experts have greatly appreciated government move of not imposing any new taxes in order to provide relief to the common masses despite adverse impact of Covid-19. There were also some major positives in newly introduced budget which needs to be highlighted rather than only concentrating on negatives just to criticize the government. It must also be noted that criticism on the budget is being launched by political parties who have twice or thrice ruled the country and rather than pushing the country out of the crisis they had further dragged the national economy into a black hole making the recovery an uphill task for the current government.

In the agriculture sector, the government after 18th amendment, for the first time has allocated a total of Rs12 billion for the developmental projects. Many experts termed the allocation as an optimistic move to bring overall improvement in agriculture products in coming years.

Moreover, the government in another positive move, has allocated a total of Rs81 billion for the water resources which will pave way for the timely construction of much awaited Muhmand, Diamar and Basha Dam with no delay. This will directly result in saving the country from water scarcity and provide cheap electricity.

Instead of criticism on the budget the critiques must hail the decision of PTI-led government to reduce custom duty on raw material for the first time ever as this move will directly help in boosting the industrial business in the country and will also help in creating more jobs in different industrial sectors.

The move of the government to allow the manufacturing of new mobile phones in Pakistan for the first time ever is also been greatly admired by the economists as it will help the common masses to get new jobs and the unemployment ratio is likely to decline.

The government has also given exemption to the newly formed districts in term of imports for establishment of new industries until 2023 which will help in boosting tribal districts industrial businesses with almost no tax ratio.

Meanwhile, criticism on the huge difference between health, education and military budget is beyond common sense as health and education are provincial subjects while defence is a federal subject. The provinces are allotted above 50% funds directly as per NFC to spend on its different subjects which also includes health and education.

Earlier in this year, India raised its defence spending by around 6%. Moreover, the size of Indian defence budget is six times bigger than the total outlay of Pakistan’s defence. In fact, India’s defence budget is equal to Pakistan’s total budget outlay. India’s military spending has grown by 259 per cent over a 30-year period stretching from 1990 to 2019 and by 37 per cent over the 2010-19 decade. In this backdrop, criticizing Army budget seems to be following specific agenda in order to weaken our response and defence. The undue criticism also depicts the vested agenda of few social media personalities and journalists. Criticism must be directed to bring reforms rather than molding facts and presenting it to portray negativity.

قبائلی اضلاع میں غیر ملکی میڈیا کا منفی کردار

اگر تاریخ کے اوراق پلٹے جائے تو آج تک جتنے بھی غیر سیاسی تحریکیں اُبھری ہیں جن کو کچھ مدت کے لیے ملکی سطح پر سمیت بین الاقوامی سطح پر پزیرائی ملی ہے تو ان میں اکثر تحریکیوں کو غیر ملکی ایجنسیوں نے پروان چڑھایا ہے ۔ جس کا مقامی افراد یا انکا حصہ بننے والے نوجوانوں کو اس وقت ادراک ہوتا ہے جب واپسی کے تمام دروازے بند ہوچکے ہوتے ہیں۔ اب سوال یہ پیدا ہوتا ہے کہ غیر ملکی ایجنسیاں اپنے مزموم مقاصد کو پروان کیسے چڑھاتے ہیں ؟
اس بات میں کوئی شک نہیں ہے کہ قبائلی محب وطن پاکستانی ہے وہ جان تو دے سکتے ہیں لیکن جان بوجھ کر ملک پاکستان کیخلاف ہونے والے سازش کا حصہ نہیں بن سکتے لیکن قبائلوں میں موجود چند ایسی خوبیاں ہیں جس کا ہمیشہ دشمن نے غلط استعمال کیا ہے ۔ اگر کوئی قبائلی اضلاع اور بالخصوص وزیرستان کے کسی رہائشی کے ساتھ کسی بھی معاملے میں ہمدردی کریں تو یہ انکو صدیوں تک یاد رکھتے ہیں۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ انکے ساتھ ہمدردیاں جتانے والوں نے اکثر انکو جانے انجانے میں اپنا آلہ کار بنایا اور جو یہاں کے عوام کے تباہی کا باعث بنے۔
قبائلی اضلاع حکومت کی جانب سے جن محرومیوں کے شکار رہے ہیں ان محرومیوں کو اُجاگر کرکے قبائلوں کی ہمدردیاں سمیٹنے میں غیر ملکی میڈیا نے یہاں کے عوام کو اپنا گرویدہ بنایا ۔ پاکستانی میڈیا کی جانب سے یہاں کے مسائل کو نظر انداز کرنے کے باعث یہاں پر ہمیشہ غیر ملکی میڈیا نے اپنا سکہ جمایا ہے کیونکہ قبائلی اضلاع میں ٹی وی اخبار کی رسائی ممکن نہیں ہے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ یہاں پر ہمیشہ ریڈیو چینلز کی حکمرانی رہی ہے اور یہاں کے لوگ ریڈیوں کو بہت شوق سے سنتے ہیں۔ بدقسمتی سے یہاں پر غیر ملکی ریڈیوز سٹیشنز جس میں وائیس اف امریکہ سمیت دیگر کئی غیر ملکی ریڈیو سٹیشنشز کی نشریات بہترین طریقے سے عوام تک پہنچتی ہے لیکن ہمارا میڈیا ایک تو ریٹنگ کی چکر میں ان علاقوں کو ترجیح نہیں دیتاتو دوسری جانب پرائیویٹ ریڈیو سٹیشنز نہ ہونے کے باعث ان علاقوں تک پاکستانی میڈیا کی رسائی ممکن نہیں ہے ۔
ان علاقوں سے جب بھی کوئی ایسی تحریک اُبھری ہے ان میں غیر ملکی ایجنسیو ں کا ایک اہم کردار رہا ہے۔ ان تحریکوں کو جنم دینے اور انکوں پروان چڑھانے اور ایک مخصوص انداز میں ان تحریکوں کے لیے راہیں ہموار کرنے سمیت عوام کی دلوں میں انکے لیے ہمدردیاں پیدا کرنے میں غیر ملکی ریڈیوز جس میں سر فہرست مشال، ڈیوہ ، آشنا ریڈیو اور آزادی ریڈیو جو وائس اف امریکہ کے تحت چل رہے ہیں کا نمایا کردار رہا ہے۔ وائیس اف امریکہ فری یورپ نیٹ ورک ہے جو 36 زبانوں میں نشریات کرنے کی وجہ سے دنیا کا سب سے بڑا ریڈیو نیٹ ورک ہے اسکو امریکہ پارلیمنٹ سے باقاعدہ طور پر بجٹ دیا جاتا ہے اور یہ امریکہ خفیہ ایجنسی کے پالیسی کے تحت کام کرنے میں مصروف ہیں ۔یہ ریڈیوز سٹیشن امریکہ خفیہ ایجنسی کے پالیسی کا اس انداز میں پرچار کرتے ہیں کہ سننے والے کو یہ کانوں کان خبر ہی نہیں ہوتی کہ میں غیر ملکی ایجنسیوں کے پروپیگنڈے کا شکار ہو رہا ہوں۔
یہ ریڈیو سٹیشنز اپنے نمائیندوں کو لاکھوں روپے تنخواہیں دیتے ہیں اور باقاعدہ طور اپنے ایجنڈے کے مطابق انکو کام دیتے ہیں ۔ یہاں سے جب ملک پاکستان ،یاریاستی اداریں خصوصی طور پر پاک آرمی کیخلاف کوئی آواز اُٹھتی ہے تو اس آواز کو تقویت دینے اور اسکو ملک دشمن تحریک بنانے کے لیے اس پر گھنٹوں گھنٹوں پروگرام کر کے آواز اٹھانے والے کے ساتھ عوام کے ہمدردیو میں اضافے کے لیے مختلف حربے استعمال کئے جاتے ہیں۔ پروگرام بھی اس انداز سے کرتے ہیں کہ سادہ لوح قبائیلوں کو جذبات میں لاکر اپنے مقصد کے لیے استعمال کر نے کے لیے تیار کیا جائے۔ ایک وقت آتا ہے کہ یہ محب وطن قبائلی غیر ارادی طور پر غیر ملکی ایجنڈے کے پالیسی پر عمل پیرا ہو جاتے ہیں۔ بیانیے کے پیچھے چھپے مزموم مقاصد سے بے خبرڈیوہ اور مشال ریڈیو سننے کی وجہ سے انکے راستے پر چل پڑھتے ہیں ۔
ڈیوہ مشال سمیت دیگر ریڈیوز سٹیشن سننا اب یہاں کے عوام کی مجبوری بن چکی ہے کیونکہ صرف ڈیوہ اور ماشال ہی ہے کہ جو مقامی مسائل پر مقامی زبان میں بات کرنے کےساتھ ساتھ بیک وقت گانوں سمیت دیگر کئی ایسے پروگراموں کے زریعے بچے نوجوان بزرگوں اور یہاں تک کہ خواتین کو اپنے ساتھ جُڑے رکھتے ہے۔لیکن ان ریڈیوز پر ہونے والے ہر پروگرام میں ایسا پیغام چھپا ہوتا ہے کہ گانے سننے کے عرض سے ریڈیوں سننے والے کو بھی یہ پتا نہیں چلتا کہ میرے دماغ کسی اور جانب راغب ہونے کے راستے پر گامزن ہے۔ ان کے پروگرامز میں ایک منظم اور بہترین انداز میں شاطر طریقے سے ملک کیخلاف اور پاکستان کو ایک کمزور ریاست ظاہر کرکے ہر فیصلے میں پاکستان کو قصور وار ٹہرا کر سننے والے کو یہ پیغام دیا جاتا ہے کہ پاکستان ایک کمزور ریاست ہونےکے ساتھ یہاں پر جو مظالم ہو رہے ہیں وہ برما میں مسلمانوں پر ہونے والے مظالم سے کئی گناہ ذیادہ ہے۔
پی ٹی ایم کے وجود میں آنے کے بعد اب تو روزانہ کے بنیاد پر کئی گھنٹون پر محط لویا خیبر پختواہ(گریٹر پختونستان )کے نام سے ایک پروگرام شروع کیا گیا ہے جس میں اکثر ان افراد کو بطور مہمان شامل کرتے ہیں جو پاکستان کے خلاف زہر اُگلنے کے ماہر ہو۔ انکا پاکستانی ہونا بھی ضروری ہے چاہے وہ امریکہ کا رہائشی کیوں نہ ہوں تاکہ اس سے سننے والے کو یہ پیغام دیا جاسکیں کہ یہ ایک پاکستانی کا نقطہ نظر ہے ۔اگر ہمارے ملکی میڈیا نے اس علاقے کی عوام کے مسائل اور انکی محرومیوں کو اُجاگر کرنے کی جانب توجہ نہیں دی تو آنے والے دنوں میں ان کے نتائج ماضی سے بھی ذیادہ خطرناک ثابت ہوسکتے ہیں ۔ اسکے ساتھ ساتھ اگر حکومت نے غیر ملکی ریڈیوز سٹیشنز کے نمائیندوں کو لگام ڈالنے اور ان ریڈیوز کے عزائم کو بے نقاب کرنے کے لیے کوئی منظم حکمت عملی نہ بنائی تو یہاں کے عوام کو گُڑمیں زہر دینے والے غیر ملکی ریڈیوز کے گناہ کے پاداش میں یہ برابر کے مجرم ہونگے۔