تہکال واقعے کے منفی اثرات اور پولیس فورس کی ساکھ

ان سطور میں بار بار اس جانب توجہ دلانے کی بھرپور کوشش کی جاتی رہی ہےکہ سوشل میڈیا کے غیر ذمہ دارانہ اور غیر محتاط استعمال سے بہت سے ایسے مسائل اور جھگڑے جنم لے رہے ہیں جو کہ بعد میں پورے معاشرے کو نہ صرف اپنی لپیٹ میں لے لیتے ہیں بلکہ وہ نفرت ،مزاحمت اور دشمنی کا سبب بھی بن جاتے ہیں۔ عامر تہکالے کا حالیہ کیس اس کی بڑی مثال ہے جس نے لوگوں کو جہاں ایک طرف خوف زدہ اور مشتعل کیا تو دوسری طرف چند کالی بھیڑوں کی غیر قانونی اور غیر اخلاقی حرکت کے باعث پختونخواہ پولیس کی ساکھ اور وقار کو بھی داؤ پر لگا دیا۔
اس افسوسناک واقعے کے دو پہلو ہیں۔ ایک تو یہ کہ اگر سائبر کرائم ونگ والے عامر تہکالے اور ایسے بے شمار دوسرے افراد کے خلاف غیر اخلاقی مواد شیئر کرنے کا بروقت نوٹس لیتی تو جاری بےچینی اور کشیدگی کی نوبت نہ آتی۔ دوسرا پہلو اس سے بھی افسوسناک ہیں اور وہ یہ کہ پولیس نے تمام تر قوانین ،طریقہ کار اور اخلاقیات کو بالائے طاق رکھ کر رد عمل کے طور پر پشاور جیسے مرکزی شہر میں رات دو بجے عامر تہکالے کے گھر پر لیڈی پولیس کے بغیر دھاوا بول کر نہ صرف ہٹ دھرمی اور قانون شکنی کا راستہ اپنایا بلکہ عامر تہکالے کے ساتھ کئے جانے والے شرمناک سلوک کی خود ویڈیو بنا کر اپنے ہی بعض افسران کے ذریعے یہ سوچے سمجھے بغیر اسے وائرل کر دیا کہ اس کا ردعمل کیا ہوگا اور اس سے مثالی پولیس کے دعوے کو کتنا نقصان پہنچے گا؟
دونوں رویّے افسوسناک اور غیر اخلاقی ہیں دوسرا رویہ یا طریقہ اس لیے زیادہ قابل مذمت ٹھرا کہ یہ کام قانون کے رکھوالوں کے ہاتھوں سر انجام پایا اور اس کا نتیجہ یہ نکلا کہ عوام مشتعل ہوگئے ،مظاہرے کیے گئے اور اس واقعے کی بازگشت میں میڈیا کے علاوہ سینٹ اور صوبائی اسمبلی میں بھی سنائی دی۔ پورے صوبے میں مظاہرے اب بھی جاری ہیں کیونکہ ہر شخص ذاتی طور پر خوف زدہ اور پریشان ہو گیا ہے اور اس قسم کے واقعات میں پولیس کی ساکھ کو داؤ پر لگا دیا ہے۔
حکومت نے وزیر اعلٰی اور آئی جی کی سطح پر دوسری ویڈیو کا نوٹس لے کر جہاں ایک طرف اعلٰی سطح انکوائری تشکیل دی ہے وہاں فوری طور پر تشدد کرنے اور غیر اخلاقی ویڈیو بنانے کے ذمہ دار پولیس افسر اور بعض دیگر کے خلاف ایکشن بھی لیا ہے۔ اِس اطلاع یا الزام کی بنیاد پر کہ اس کارروائی کا ایس ایس پی آپریشن کو علم تھا۔ ظہور آفریدی کو اُن کے عہدے سے برطرف کر دیا گیا ہے اور مزید اُن افسران کے خلاف بھی کاروائی متوقع ہے جن کے بارے میں کہا جاتا ہے کہ وہ اس گھناؤنی اور غیر اخلاقی حرکت میں مبینہ طور پر ملوث ہیں یا انہوں نے ہی جان بوجھ کر مذکورہ ویڈیو وائرل کر کے حکومت اور پولیس فورس کو مشکل میں ڈال دیا ہے ۔
مشاہدے میں آیا ہے کہ گزشتہ چند مہینوں کے دوران خیبرپختونخواہ پولیس پر تشدد ہوگئی ہیں اور روزانہ کی بنیاد پر یہ فورس کسی نہ کسی تنازعے یا غیر قانونی حرکت کا شکار ہوجاتی ہے۔ اس سے قبل نوشہرہ میں اسی پولیس نے ایک حاملہ خاتون پر ان کے رشتہ داروں سے رشوت لے کر تشدد کیا تو وزیر اعلٰی نے اس کا نوٹس لیا۔ بعض دیگر افسوسناک واقعات بھی سامنے آئے مگر اس کی روک تھام کا سلسلہ اقدامات کی بجائے محض روایتی معطلی یا نام و نہاد انکوائری تک محدود رہا اور شاید اسی نرمی کا نتیجہ حالیہ افسوسناک اور شرمناک واقعہ کی شکل میں نکل آیاجس نے معاشرے کے ہر فرد کے علاوہ پوری فورس اور حکومت تک کو ہلا کر رکھ دیا ہے۔
عامر تہکالے کے واقعے کا بنیادی تعلق پولیس کی تربیت، ڈسپلین اور ہماری اجتماعی اخلاقیات سے ہے۔ اس لئے اس کے منفی اثرات لمبے عرصے تک محسوس کیے جائیں گے۔ ضرورت اس بات کی ہے کہ اس واقعے کو مثال بنا کر معاشرے کو خوف اور عدم تحفظ سے نکالا جائے اور کسی کے ساتھ رعایت نہ برتی جائے۔

Will Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) Survive?

The Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM)), a non-political movement and self-proclaimed sole representative of the Pashtuns rights is likely to face internal rifts and divisions in coming days as some of its top leadership has developed difference on whether to join Parliamentary politics or remain non-political.

Such rifts among PTM leadership had risen even before but, due to interference of the top leadership, the issues were resolved. However, according to many political experts and sources privy to PTM leadership, the differences have widened more and PTM is likely to face divisions over the same issue in coming days.

It is pertinent to mention that in Pashtun sit-in in Islamabad, Manzoor Pashteen had proclaimed that the PTM would remain a non-parliamentary body to avoid controversies among Pashtuns on political grounds. Moreover, sources within PTM have also informed us that PTM’s international supporters are against Parliamentary politics. They perceive that neutral position could help the movement achieve its long and short-term interests.

On the other hand, in 2018 general election, two of its top leaders were elected as parliamentarians, violating the same founding principle of the movement. The subsequent development within PTM has led to differences among activists regarding political goals of the movement. Pashteen on many occasions have strongly criticized the two leaders but is still unable to influence PTM activists on this very critical issue.

Another debate among the PTM leadership was sparked when the government after KP-FATA merger announced elections in the tribal districts. The group within PTM including Ali Wazir and Mohsin Dawar tried to convince PTM leadership over the importance and strength of parliamentary politics, calling it the only possible place where Pashtun problems can be resolved.

While commenting on the matter Rahim Nasar a writer and political expert said that although parliament is the right place for resolving all sorts of political issues, the participation of PTM activists in any election will divide PTM; adding that contesting an election in a personal capacity or as an independent candidate by any member will surely help to draw votes of sympathy from those who supports PTM. He maintained that besides wrangling among activists, the decision will threaten the political interests of activists’ parent parties. To be relevant, activists will prefer to vote against PTM candidates which can led to the ultimate failure of the entire movement.

Rahim Nasar believes that as per Manzoor statement and his commitments, PTM will never join Parliamentary politics as it will push back PKMAP and ANP activists and they will never vote PTM candidates. Majority of PTM leadership and activists also oppose Parliamentary politics as there are already Pashtun nationalist Parliamentary parties in mainstream Pakistani politics. PTM’s decision to participate in Parliamentary politics is likely to result in internal division.

Meanwhile, another journalist who has been writing on KP and tribal districts affairs, Abdul Rauf Yousafzai said that indeed PTM will convert into a solid parliament political party in coming days; adding that joining parliamentary politics may shelve romanticism shrouding the movement right now. PTM individuals who were in politics before PTM emerging on horizon are mainly the driving force behind joining mainstream politics. He further said that PTM as a political party will be a great threat to nationalist parties.

The development indicates the evolution process within the party and also shows that everything is not as rosy as depicted by its leadership. PTM is extensively criticized by a large population due to its closeness with Afghanistan government and ethnically exploiting common governance issues. The question of movement or political party is significant but, if PTM has to survive and retain its support, it needs to base its politics on objectivity. The method of instigation, agitation and politics based on ethnicity has harmed PTM pushing away its supporters.

Rising Land Dispute in Kurram District

After KP FATA merger, many political experts predicted and expected that abolishment of FCR; an ancient black law in tribal region will change the life of a common man living in the tribal region. The move will also allow common populace an opportunity to approach courts and other concerned departments to seek quick and early justice.

However, despite the merger and inclusion of tribal region in KP, the number of disputes in tribal districts is increasing day by day. In a similar development, land disputes in tribal Kurram district is on the rise as the authorities have failed to control such disputes despite existence of a proper policing system in the region.

According to locals’ of Kurram district, the increasing number of land disputes in the district has become a headache for the masses and district administration. The locals are reluctant to approach concerned authority in case of any rift on land distribution and the differences at times become violent.

While talking to the Voice Of KP, a social activist Syed Muhammad, hailing from Para Chinar said that it is a fact that the FATA-KP merger has brought many changes in the social system of the tribal region but there are many other issues which are yet to be resolved despite the presence of courts and police in the district.

He stated that land disputes in the Kurram district were increasing with every passing day and the authorities had failed to take any proper action to stop the masses from such fatal clashes.

It is important to mention that Kurram district is famous for its intra-tribal clashes and land disputes across the province. According to an unconfirmed report, since KP-FATA merger, 29 people have lost their lives in Kurram district over different land disputes. Despite such a huge loss, people are not approaching courts for resolving these longstanding issues. Meanwhile, many of the local activists blames police and other concerned authorities’ inactiveness for these clashes. They further blame, lack of coordination between police, district administration and elected members for the current uncertain situation in the district.

On other hand, while talking to Voice of KP, District Police Officer (DPO) Kurram district Muhammad Quresh Khan said that a balance and analytical approach is required; adding that courts are established after merger and the people should take the issue to the court of law. He maintained that police were trying their best to resolve the issues through timely interference; claiming that there were total 18 big tribal land disputes in the district and police is deployed 24/ 7 in almost all such locations where tribe’s clashes had occurred.

While talking about legal awareness among the masses, he concluded that DPO office was receiving large number of application on daily basis regarding land disputes and accordingly they are guided to take the issue either to district revenue officer or to the civil courts.

It is also pertinent to mention that the elders of the Kurram districts are urging the authorities to resolve the land disputes as soon as possible as Kurram had remain a centre of sectarian conflicts and any such issue can easily escalate to such conflict.

The government needs to resolve the conflicts without any delay as there are fears that such a fragile situation may be exploited by the external forces pushing the region once again to an unending violence.

Is Online Classes Safe for Female Students?

Corona virus crisis has fast tracked the adoption of online education system in Pakistan. Various universities have adopted online system to ensure continuity of education session of their students. Though it is an appreciable step, it has some inherent difficulties such as inaccessibility of technology, lack of internet availability, poor digital provision of subject matter and substandard interactivity with the teachers. Other than the usual problems, online education system has also led to the harassment of female students during the classes.

Various harassment incidents have been reported by female students in virtual sessions. In online meeting apps, the mechanism for classes is to create and share link with all participants. The same links are reportedly shared by some male students with their friends who in turn harass female students during online sessions.

“While interacting during online class, a totally unknown person, messaged me inquiring about my private life”, says one of the female student while addressing the students’ union press conference in Islamabad. “Our social media account IDs get hacked and random men harassed us in all possible ways. Female students are now reluctant to take online classes in this situation”, she added.

Regardless of virtual or interactive classes, learning process requires a peaceful and conducive environment. Any type of harassment can hinder person’s capability of learning and in turn effect his or her overall performance. In face of such online harassment, it is clearly evident that it will affect overall performance of female students keeping them at a clear disadvantage to their male counterparts.

When asked, many female students without revealing their identity stated that they have reported online harassment incidents to the concerned officials including related university administrations but nothing has been done so far.

Some students while expressing their views offered Higher Education Commission to allow them to design safe Official Digital Application for education. “We will develop a Learning Management Application, and its link will not go down even in remote areas. Through this medium, exams and classes ought to be taken easily plus the students belonging to the far-flung regions would also be benefited”, said a computer science student while addressing media.

It must be accepted that introduction of online classes had become compulsion and government had very less time to develop a secure environment for its deployment. However, online system is the future of learning and government should exploit this opportunity to fast track its development and improvement. The system should be able to provide a conducive secure environment to all students in order to ensure equal opportunity to all.

Moreover, administration and government should also improve cyber bullying and harassment reporting system making it less complicated and easy. Any such harassment should be dealt promptly punishing the perpetrators to ensure requisite deterrence.