Voice of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Manzoor Pashteen’s journey from Mehsud to Pashteen & PTM

By Kashmala Yousafzai

The founder of Mehsud Tahafuz Movement later Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM), Manzoor Pashteen rose to fame sanctimoniously speaking about Pushtun rights, however, the chronology of his activists, a journey from MTM to PTM is an interesting study to understand how Manzoor Pashteen has been used by foreign proxies.

Manzoor Pashteen raised the slogan Yeh jo dehshatgardi hai iske pechay wardi hai’ which was used against the state of Pakistan by PTM activists, Indians, Afghans and sub-nationalists ethno-fascists.

When he was arrested in Jan, 2020, entire leadership of Afghanistan including NDS protested and issues statements in favour of Manzoor Pashteen.

The Afgan President Ashraf Ghani reacted by issuing statement on twitter that he was “troubled” by the arrest of PTM chief and he called for “immediate release” of Pashteen.

Former president Hamid Karzai said in a tweet that he was concerned about the arrest and called for the “immediate” release Manzoor Pashteen.

Former NDS chief and presidential candidate Rahmatullah Nabil spoke against Pakistan Army and intelligence agencies and threatened that Afghans will create a new country out of Pakistan.

Former national security advisor of Afghanistan, Mohammad Haneef Atmar, and

Amrullah Saleh also spoke in support of Manzoor Pashteen.

To understand the interests of Afghanistan in PTM, Manzoor Pashteen and Afghan proxy against Pakistan, we  examine the chronology of activities of Manzoor Pashteen and his journey through ages bellow.

Manzoor Pashteen Journey through Ages:

There was no “PTM” until the end of December 2017 but  it was a small group of tribal students led by Manzoor Ahmad Mehsud under the name of “Mehsud Tahaffuz Movement (MTM)”.

In Dec 2011, Manzoor started expressing his frustration against drone attacks on his personal Facebook profile and accused the then President Asif Ali Zardari (PPP) and then COAS General Ashfaq Kayani of targeting tribals.

Manzoor Pashteen was unemployed till mid 2012 and in a Facebook post he stated about his ability to teach and secure a tuition opportunity.

By Sep 2012, Manzoor started showing his interest in raising voices for people allegedly affected by the war in erstwhile FATA and he started asking people to join hands with him for the purpose, although he was still unemployed.

After a year later, in Sep 2013 Manzoor started involving himself in student politics through association of tribal students.

In May 2014, Manzoor shared fake unverified content about alleged collateral damage by Pakistani security forces in tribal areas.

In Sep 2014, Manzoor requested his followers on Facebook to suggest a suitable symbol for his political ideology which he will run from his Tribal Students Organisation at Gomal University.

In Nov 2014, Manzoor started following and sharing content and news from Mashaal Radio (operating under US Agency for International Media/ US State Department) about tribal areas, which perhaps have affected him in the end.

Manzoor started sharing content in a Facebook group of tribal students at Gomal University founded by him along with Aman Wazir in October 2014.

On 23 Nov 2014, Manzoor appeared on mainstream media for the first time om PTV, as part of the show “Hum Bhi Pakistan” co-hosted by journalist and security analyst Imtiaz Gul.

Manzoor Pashteen

In April 2015, Manzoor requests his friends to join him in signing a petition urging Chinese President Xi Jinping not to change the proposed western route of CPEC.

In Sep 2015, Manzoor started venting his anger against Pakistani security forces and asked his followers to help him organize protest in front of GHQ. This was the first instance of Manzoor Pashteen’s  confrontationist approach against the state.

Manzoor once again shared unverified propaganda media reports published by Mashaal Radio about collateral damage allegedly caused by aerial bombing.

In Sep 2015, Manzoor announces meetings to discuss protest demonstrations against Pakistan Army on pretext of perceived hostilities.

Manzoor held his first anti-army meeting at Gomal University on 21 Sep 2015.

In Oct 2015, Manzoor once again shared propaganda against the Army and mocked it by sharing a picture that has nothing to do with operations.

Manzoor and his friends Tribal Students Organisation platform for guiding new tribal students applying for Masters at Gomal University. This was done to gain popularity. Till this time his name as mentioned on the banner was Manzoor Ahmed and there was no mention of Pashteen.

In between Manzoor started posting about incident of landmines blast and his  source for tribal victims of landmine incidents was Mashaal Radio .

Jan 2016: Manzoor delivers his first political speech outside Gomal University (at Polytechnical College, D.I. Khan).

In Oct 2016 it was noticed that the first interaction of Manzoor with Dr Said Alam Mahsud, took place who is founder of anti CPEC movement “Pashtoonkhwa Ulasi Tehrik” (Pashtun Awareness Movement) and currently a Core Executive Committee member of PTM.

Manzoor appreciated another propaganda piece by Mashaal Radio which quoted his ideal Muhammad Zubair (previously a law teacher at University of Peshawar before going to the US for doctorate and later became influential PTM) ideologues.

In Dec 2016: Manzoor once again shared fake images of collateral damage in tribal areas falsely blaming Pakistan Army.

In Apr 2017, Manzoor’s first video briefing on his personal Facebook appeared. Till this time there was no mazari or pashteen cap seen.

Manzoor Pashteen cap

In Apr 2017: Manzoor gets first coverage on Mashaal from this point onwards, he gains prominence as a symbol of Pashtun ‘resistance’.

Sailab Mahsud of Mashaal Radio in D.I. Khan. The man who patronized/ introduced Manzoor Ahmad (Pashteen) to the world through Mashal.

Manzoor referred to Dr Said Alam Mahsud who as at that time leading anti CPEC agitation through Pashtoonkhwa Ulasi Tehrik) as “Mashar”.

In Jul 2017: Manzoor shared a propaganda report against PAF operation in tribal areas by Voice of America Deewa Radio. That is how Manzoor started sharing Voice of America narrative.

In  Nov 2017 Manzoor officially appreciated Voice of America Deewa Radio saying it was a primary source for his information.

Manzoor shared another report by Voice of America Deewa Radio on landmine incidents.

In Dec 2017, Manzoor started praising Ali Wazir through a Facebook post showcasing his photos. Ali Wazir later become PTM leader.

On 25th December 2017: First time Manzoor wore the symbolic mazari cap. Video was broadcast through Facebook Live by his friend Shahbaz Khan Stouryani’s account who is a longtime ANP activist.


On  31st December 2017: Manzoor came live second time on Facebook wearing the symbolic mazari cap. This time, he went live through his personal account, whereas his previous appearance was through an ANP associate’s profile.

On 1st February 2018 for the first time the term PTM was emerged referring to Manzoor’s movement. Interestingly PTM term was never used by Manzoor or his colleagues before, that but it was introduced by Naseer Kakar in his interview from Voice of America.



Gul Bukhari wrote a column on 16th April 2018 titled “I Am Pashteen” to project PTM in Naya Daur TV whose Editor-in-Chief is Raza Rumi.

As Gul Bukhari article on PTM was rejected by The Nation so ABBC Urdu (Shafi Naqi Jamie) highlighted censorship of Gul Bukhari’s article did a progarmme on it with  her, Rahimullah Yusufzai and Nida Kirmani. The video was shared by Manzoor on his timeline.

On 21st April 2018: Few minutes after sharing the BBC Urdu video, Manzoor posts an update on his timeline, using the words “Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement” personally for the first time. This is was the proof that Manzoor had endorsed the term introduced by VoA and propagated by certain people.

On 25th April 2018 Manzoor started promoting the phrase PTM but also asked youngsters to join PTM agitation in Swat (April) and Karachi (May). He used many hashtags in that post.

Manzoor shared a post by his old friend Jamal Malyar Momin of Mehmood Khan Achakzai’s Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP). Momin was a candidate for PK-113 from South Waziristan under PkMAP’s banner and he was given a PTM-related hashtag.

On 2nd May 2018: Manzoor shared a report by Memphis Barker of The Guardian projecting PTM and who referred to him as “Pakistani Che”.


In July 2018: Manzoor highlighted the alleged abduction of his longtime friend and social activist Hayat Mehsud alias Hayat Preghal of Ladha, South Waziristan.

Manzoor organised a protest in D.I. Khan for Hayat Mehsud. The event was covered on Facebook Live by Waziristan Times for whom Hayat contributed as a blogger.

On 10th July 2018 for the first time Manzoor used the hashtag “Pashtun Reject State Terrorism”. Interestingly this hashtag was used Ahsan Ullah Miakhail, activist of Mehmood Achakzai’s Pashtoonkhwa Students Organisation Quetta earlier from where he had picked it.

Manzoor defended convicted terrorist Bakht Ullah Khan s/o Ajmal Khan who attacked Pakistan Army troops and martyred several personnel.

British journalist Samira Shackle writes an article on Manzoor. Manzoor was happy and he urged his supporters to share it widely. Interestingly the writer Shackle is historically known for writing reports criticising Pakistan’s military.

On 17th October 2018 for the first time Manzoor shared a PTM propaganda post containing the official PTM logo. Interestingly, the logo was used through account of one “Naqeeb Khan”, leader of PTM Denmark.

Article from May 2018 by Abubakar Siddique, Editor of Gandhara website  promoted PTM and warned Pakistani Army. This article was picked up by Manzoor in Oct 2018. The article interestingly hinted few points which later became part of PTM agenda.


The same day, Manzoor shared a report by Pashto website of Voice of America written by an Afghan individual Jafar Haand having same points.


In  Nov 2018, Manzoor recalled MTM through Facebook Memories when his movement was simply known as “MTM” (Mehsud Tahaffuz Movement).

On 9th November 2018, Voice of America Pashto airs second exclusive interview with Manzoor.

Manzoor shared a video featuring audio by Voice of America Urdu on killing of SP Tahir Dawar in Afghanistan. This shows that all local services of VoA from Pashto to Urdu and English were promoting Manzoor.

At the end of Nov 2018, Manzoor urges his followers to sign an online petition initiated by Intl Human Rights Council-Hong Kong (IHRC-HK) along with a fake forum “IRESK Paris”.

During early Dec 2018, Manzoor shared a live audio of his interview to Voice of America Deewa Radio by Mujahid Jawad, an Afghan individual. This was Manzoor’s third exclusive interview on VoA.

Now we examine Manzoor Pashteen’s Facebook Pages:

24 August 2013: Manzoor posted a photo and tags his friends for comments,  which was normal and nothing unusual. Most of those tagged were his class-fellows in Gomal University, DI Khan.

25 August 2013: Manzoor posted a photo expressing his disappointment at poverty and misery among Muslims in general, again a normal tweet.

27 August 2013: Manzoor shares a video posted by Facebook page “Waziristan – The Lion’s Den” which portrayed Pashtuns as suffering at the behest of the state. Source: http://archive.vn/wip/xinO0  this page was operated by “Ezz Raar (Izrar Mahsud”.

10 September 2013: Manzoor shared an announcement regarding opening of admissions at Gomal University, DI Khan.

24 September 2013: At midnight (12am PST), Manzoor updates his Facebook bio mentioning he’s the ‘President’ of ‘Tribal Students Organisation’. Source: http://archive.vn/D72yM

14 December 2013: Manzoor re-shares a photo of his younger self shared originally on 30 October 2012 by his friend in Gomal University, DI Khan.

27 February 2014: Manzoor shared a video originally posted on 31 January 2014 by Facebook page “Shyreen waziristan” Source: http://archive.vn/wip/Gukbq

Page operated by Abdul Rauf and Yaqoob Mahsud.

27 April 2014: Manzoor shared a video against the US military atrocities against Muslims posted by a Facebook page “Armaanai Dunyagai”. Source: http://archive.vn/HcuEF

Page is operated by an Afghan national using an Egyptian cell number.

24 May 2014: Manzoor shared another post by Facebook page “Shyreen waziristan” (which shows children killed in North Waziristan drone strikes. Source: http://archive.vn/eSn5d . Ironically, at that time, these strikes were praised and defended by his comrade Mohsin Dawar.

24 May 2014: Manzoor shared another photo posted by Facebook page “Shyreen waziristan” (sic) which shows photo of deceased children. Caption by the page claims they were ‘massacred by Pakistan Army’, without sharing any evidence.

25 September 2014: Manzoor announced that they are going to design a flag for collective representation of “tribal pashteen”. He declare himself as President of Tribal Students Organisation in Gomal University.

A few minutes later, Manzoor re-posted the content and this time, he tags certain friends. Among them were Ali Wazir) and Sailab Mahsud, the VoA correspondent who later introduced Manzoor to the world.

November 2014: Manzoor shared a video report by Mashaal Radio (US Agency) on the release of Professor Ajmal Khan (kidnapped by Taliban)

5 November 2014: Manzoor shared a post by Facebook page “Justice for FATA-Tribals” accusing Pakistan Army of ‘extrajudicial killings’. Source: http://archive.vn/VKdSb  the Page was operated by Hayat Mehsud alias Hayat Preghal.

Manzoor’s comments underneath the post revealed Manzoor’s true anti-State colours.

In one of the comments Manzoor shows hatred for Pakistan and vowed to attain liberation; he vows to “attain liberation. Responding to someone, he refers to Pakistan Army as “tumhara fawj” (YOUR army).

Manzoor claims that ‘Punjabis’ were responsible for destroying tribal areas and expressed anger blaming that there was ethnic discrimination against Pashtuns.

17 December 2014: A day after the tragic APS Peshawar incident, Manzoor shared a conspiracy theory against Pakistan Army written by “Iqbal Afridi” for Facebook page “Justice for FATA-Tribals”. Source: http://archive.vn/3K1qh

3 January 2015: Manzoor claimed that Pakistan Army abducted an 8-year old kid named ‘Usama’ from Chagmalai area of SWA. He prays against the ‘evil’ of Taliban and Pakistan Army. Almost all tagged people were journalists in tribal areas. Source: http://archive.vn/bb8iL

4 February 2015: Manzoor updated his cover photo showing several currently-active members of PTM. Source: http://archive.vn/L8uy1

18 February 2015: Manzoor shared a news clipping about student protests at Gomal University (apparently) regarding fees. He clarifies to a friend he led these protests to bring attention on ‘issues’ pertaining to his Veterinary Department. Source: http://archive.vn/IHMsA

6 March 2015: Manzoor shared another fake post by Facebook page “Justice for FATA-Tribals” which accuses Pakistan Army of ‘targeting’ its own people. Source: http://archive.vn/W0jxW . The image the page posted was fake.

13 March 2015: Manzoor uploads a video  against Pakistan: http://archive.vn/nnzTD

16 March 2015: Manzoor shared a clipping about abduction and killing of tribals posted by Facebook page “Justice for FATA-Tribals”. Source: http://archive.vn/iUcMv

22 March 2015: Manzoor shared a revolutionary rebellious poem to express his defiance against the state. Among those he ‘taggged’ included  Ali Wazir

Source: http://archive.vn/VuGca

26 March 2015: Manzoor calls for unity among Pashtuns against the state and again the people he tagged included Ali Wazir and Adnan Bitani an anti-Pakistan propagandist working for VoA Deewa and PTM Promoter.

Source: http://archive.vn/FGvK2

26 March 2015: Manzoor posts an audio message in video about his ‘rebellion’. In a comment below the post, he declares rebellion against the Taliban, Pakistan Army, ‘agencies’ including the Parliament. Source: http://archive.vn/wJLwM

3 April 2015: Manzoor shared a speech of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and tags Ali Wazir and others. The comments Manzoor agreed with a Baloch terrorist who called Pakistan “Pokistan” and labels Quaid-e-Azam “a british agent”. Source: http://archive.vn/t2ZmG

18 April 2015: Manzoor shared a link to his interview with VoA Deewa (Source: http://archive.vn/UZWnZ

Link to interview: https://voadeewanews.com/a/2704751.html

23 April 2015: A few days after his interview to VoA Deewa, Manzoor for the first time referred to himself as “Manzoor Ahmad Qabayili Pashteen”. Source: http://archive.vn/4nTue

24 April 2015: Manzoor signed and urged his friends to also sign an online petition addressed to President Xi of China against changes in western route of CPEC which would purportedly benefit Punjab. Source: http://archive.vn/daorL

27 April 2015: Manzoor shared a video showing a Palestinian being humiliated by the IDF and claimed he faced worst treatment at the hands of Pakistan Army. Source: http://archive.vn/J6lVY

13 May 2015: Manzoor updates fellow Gomal University students about scholarship-related news (student activism). Source: http://archive.vn/wmfCtE

23 May 2015: Manzoor posted a student activist update on his profile with the copy of a letter bearing a new name “MTM” (Muttahida Talba Mahaaz) or ‘United Students Front’. Source: http://archive.vn/kUeoB

25 May 2015: Manzoor presents Muttahida Talba Mahaaz as the voice of students in Gomal University. Source: http://archive.vn/UYaUT

7 September 2015: Manzoor shared a video from Facebook page of “Tribal Students Organisation” which included a banner of “Manzoor Ahmad Qabaiyili Pashteen” speaking up for Pashtuns. Source: http://archive.vn/453Xt

9 September 2015: Manzoor shared another post against Pakistan Army. Source: http://archive.vn/fwF4p

18 September 2015: Manzoor announced plans for a mass protest in front of GHQ. Source: http://archive.vn/0jXLZ

18 September 2015: Manzoor shares a propaganda piece against Pakistan Army by Mashaal Radio

Source: http://archive.vn/L9Uug

Report link: https://mashaalradio.com/a/27255724.html

19 September 2015: Manzoor announces first political meeting at Irfan Park in Tank, DI Khan to discuss a long march to GHQ. Calls upon all Mehsuds to join. Among those tagged were Dr Said Alam Mahsud

Source: http://archive.vn/XDbBT

20 September 2015: Manzoor was happy with the outcome of his first political gathering at Irfan Park. He criticized the ongoing curfew in SWA marking This Manzoor’s first reported ground activism for a ‘socio-political’ cause.

. Source: http://archive.vn/zMr9z

On the same date, Manzoor announced shifting his political movement within Gomal University premises. Among those he tags included Dr Said Alam Mahsud. Said Alam is current political big-wig of PTM.

Source: http://archive.vn/aS3Gy

13 October 2015: Manzoor gave his first address before the Mehsud jirga in Tank. Source: http://archive.vn/aIOpP

5 December 2015: Manzoor commented against Punjab saying  FATA  was destroyed at the cost of ‘construction’ for Punjab. Source: http://archive.vn/JrmQ4

16 December 2015: Manzoor posts an image in tribute of APS incident using pen name “Qabayili Pashteen”. He posted it in a Facebook group “Pashtun Tahafuz Movement PTM”. Source: http://archive.vn/AbTys

This Facebook group was created on 8 November 2014 by Manzoor himself, originally named “Maseed Tahaffuz Movement” (Sep 2017) and ultimately ‘PTM’ in Apr 2018.

16 December 2015: Manzoor announced a rally from City Campus (Gomal University) to DI Khan Press Club against Pakistan Army operations. Source: http://archive.vn/7gkQi

17 December 2015: Manzoor says that tribal areas can survive only destroying Punjab. Source: http://archive.vn/mm3DI

2 January 2016: Manzoor shared a post from Facebook page “Justice for FATA-Tribals” against Pakistan Army Operation Rah-e-Najaat and termed it as the ’cause of destruction’ in Makeen Baazaar.

Source: http://archive.vn/J1Mmd

17 January 2016: Manzoor posted about the deaths of children purportedly caused by IEDs, he as usual blamed army. Source: http://archive.vn/quaKi

18 January 2016: Manzoor shared the story of a young girl who was purportedly paralysed by an IED blaming army. He does not share evidence of his claims. Source: http://archive.vn/V4J9s

20 January 2016: Manzoor posted about the attack on Bacha Khan University and claimed that it has something to do with Pashtuns’ demand for equal stakes in CPEC routes. Source: http://archive.vn/KIbmm

21 January 2016: Manzoor shares/endorses a conspiracy theory by Mehfooz Jan which implies that terrorist attacks against Pashtuns are allegedly perpetrated by the state to divert attention from CPEC. Source: http://archive.vn/QmHhO

6 February 2016: Manzoor shared an announcement by Afghan profile “Gurvick Khan Wazir” which claims Waziristan IDPs will get scholarship in Kabul. Source: http://archive.vn/4cf15

23 February 2016: Manzoor suggests the military’s purported one-sided reporting from warzones in Waziristan presented innocent children as ‘terrorists’. Source: http://archive.vn/O71xi

1 April 2016: Manzoor shares/endorses a sarcastic post by army critic Shah Khalid Muhammad making fun of Rangers operation against Punjab-based terrorists. He reveals he created a platform to unite like-minded thinkers. Source: http://archive.vn/N1PAp

16 April 2016: Manzoor reveals ‘Mahsud Tahaffuz Movement’ (MTM). Source: http://archive.vn/kXM4C

15 May 2016: Manzoor mobilised comrades against military persons. Source: http://archive.vn/dNDNo

15 May 2016: Manzoor reveals that a movement to protect tribal culture (against army) would be led by VoA journalist Sailab Mahsud, receiving pledges from Ali Wazir also. Source: http://archive.vn/C8e8o

17 May 2016: Manzoor shared details of another meeting to protest against the army accusing it of insulting tribals .Source: http://archive.vn/VT9kS

17 May 2016: Manzoor shared photos from the meeting. Ali Wazir can be seen. Source: http://archive.vn/w0KRR

19 May 2016: Manzoor shared details about mobilising people against purported disrespect of tribal culture by army. Source: http://archive.vn/wH1Nv

21 May 2016: Manzoor announces participants of protest against perceived disrespect of tribal culture will get free transportation and all costs will be borne by one ‘Afser Khan Mehsud’ and his comrades. Source: http://archive.vn/rVVB1

24 May 2016: Manzoor announced a meeting at Haq Nawaz Park, DI Khan against alleged extrajudicial killings and torture

. Source: http://archive.vn/9ivda

26 May 2016: Manzoor posts further criticism of Pakistan Army. Source: http://archive.vn/jI7j6

28 May 2016: Manzoor shared a post accusing Pakistan Army of looting IDPs’ personal belongings and valuables. Source: http://archive.vn/PCpNC

29 May 2016: Manzoor shared a derogatory video mocking the national anthem of Pakistan, originally posted by Anwar Ali of ANP. Source: http://archive.vn/Y0mTR

30 May 2016: Manzoor shared an anti-army propaganda video produced by his friend Adnan Bitani of VoA Deewa

Source: http://archive.vn/lEb4L

30 July 2016: Manzoor shared a propaganda video by VoA Deewa prepared by Mian Farooq Firaaq. Source: http://archive.vn/FBe5z

4 October 2016: Manzoor shared photos of tribals meeting and agreeing to cease cooperation with military persons during ongoing operations. Source: http://archive.vn/tXIHd

20 October 2016: Manzoor praises Muhammad Zubair Mehsud (current PTM ideologue and former UoP lecturer) for defending drone strikes. Source: http://archive.vn/3IV89

Link: https://mashaalradio.com/a/25141612.html

Underneath the post, Manzoor tells his friend that ‘Pakistani jets’ and not ‘drones’ killed innocent civilians. He strongly defended drone strikes by the US.

12 November 2016: Manzoor invites people to like the Facebook page of MTM. Source: http://archive.vn/M0AuX

20 February 2017: Manzoor shared a post by Facebook page “Justice For Pashtoon” claiming tribals were discriminated against by military persons.

Source: http://archive.vn/1Zewf Though the Page was created just a day prior (19 Feb), indicating Manzoor knows the page admin.

27 April 2017: Manzoor shared his audio interview to Sailab Mahsud of VoA/Mashaal Radio. Sailab refers to him as “Manzoor Mehsud” in the audio. Source: http://archive.vn/roMIG

29 April 2017: Manzoor shared a video by “mashar” (“leader”) Dr Said Alam Mahsud in which he urges community members to participate in a programme to layout their political agenda. Source: http://archive.vn/tVjB3

22 July 2017: Manzoor shared a propaganda report by his friend Adnan Bitani for VoA Deewa which claims that money meant for TDPs was allegedly diverted to purchase aircraft from China. Source: http://archive.vn/HTl9X

Report: https://voadeewanews.com/a/3954901.html

29 July 2017: Manzoor announces he will be taken live on-air by Facebook page ‘The Pashtun Times’. Source: http://archive.vn/1QpaL

The page and its website are operated by Aurangzeb Khan, former ANP activist and PSF Punjab President. He was seen in SAATH forums meetings later.

20 August 2017: Manzoor’s meeting at Irfan Park was covered by Mashaal Radio In the report, he was mentioned as “Manzoor Ahmad”, a “young man from South Waziristan”. Source: http://archive.vn/5VKOf

Link: https://mashaalradio.com/a/28681587.html

26 August 2019: Manzoor started promoting PkMAP by sharing a video in praise of PkMAP leader Mehmood Khan Achakzai. It was shared from a Facebook page “Sar warkawam Sangar na warkawam” operated by a PkMAP activist. Source: http://archive.vn/mFwnG

26 August 2017: Manzoor shared a video about a meeting to discuss landmines in the near future. VoA/Mashaal Radio reporter Sailab Mahsud participates in the proceedings as an activist and engages in political activities regarding rally plans etc. Source: http://archive.vn/7BhST

29 August 2017: Manzoor participated in an anti-army demonstration against perceived persecution of Mehsuds. Source: http://archive.vn/NTq0f

30 August 2017: Manzoor’s long-time friend Adnan Bitani (VoA Deewa) gives him spotlight in a propaganda video directed against the Pakistan Army. Source: http://archive.vn/E5azC

Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=2kDOF9BUhhQ&feature=share…

24 September 2017: Manzoor was interviewed again by his friend Adnan Bitani of VoA Deewa Source: http://archive.vn/OGykV

This was the first time that Manzoor was seen wearing a Mazari or Pashteen cap now a symbol of PTM identity.

24 September 2017: Manzoor shared a photo with friends wearing the mazari cap, originally posted by his friend and PTM leader Abdullah Nangyal. Ali Wazir (now an MNA) can be seen seated beside him. Source: http://archive.vn/puqNy

15 November 2017: Manzoor was featured as “Manzoor Ahmad Pashteen”  presented to the English-speaking world in a report by Gandhara of RFE/. This is the first instance when English-language readers were introduced to Manzoor as “Pashteen”.

Source: http://archive.vn/wip/uPR6N

Reported by Umar Daraz Wazir and Abubakar Siddique.

Link: https://gandhara.rferl.org/a/pakistan-south-waziristan-shobikhel-meshud-displacement/28854017.html?fbclid=IwAR1PbydxYvwrPO5m_kEi4D-zq24G5VFJD3qNA223IO5u11qeMN81FkhviQ4…

1 February 2018: The word “PTM” was for the first time associated with Manzoor in his interview to Naseer Kakar of VoA Deewa (check 1:28, Kakar was reading from a script where PTM was mentioned instead of MTM). Manzoor never used this acronym before.

Source: http://archive.vn/Hbdqx

Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SEDEvcwnL0U…

From then on, various national and international publications including Manzoor himself started using the word “PTM”. It’s interesting to note none of Manzoor’s personal social media accounts used this label before it was broadcast by VoA .

After going through this chronological evolution of Manzoor in cyberspace reveals that he was influenced through Voice of America reports in different languages. Interestingly Manzoor was introduced to the world by Sailab Mahsud of VoA (D.I. Khan). Naseer Kakar ex VoA’s had used the word PTM for Manzoor’s movement by introducing him as PTM Head instead of MTM

The ANP activist Shahbaz Khan Stouryani introduced Manzoor to outreach through Facebook Live and use of symbolic mazari cap whereas Dr Said Alam Mahsud gave patronage in early stage

Regular projection by VoA and RFE/RL On and off in print media supported by other foreign media including that of India.

Manzoor was given prominence as the “new Pashtun” leader through foreign media whereas Social media projection witnessed contribution by ANP and PkMAP activists to pressurize State of Pakistan in collusion with Afghan elements.

This transformation of Manzoor through cyber world shows he was used against the state as foreign proxy by enemies of Pakistan.

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