Climate change is one of the most important and major problem that Pakistan is facing right now. Thousands of people are affected by the climate crisis in every corner of Pakistan. This crisis in Pakistan is not only a threat to the environment but also a threat to the entire existence of humanity. The melting of glaciers and floods that come almost every year in the northern areas of country directly effects the lives of the people living in that area but on the other hand, it is affecting our economy on a much larger scale. Due to these floods, crops are destroyed which lessen the export of the country. Not only it will affect the export but it will have a huge impact on human health. The health of children is deteriorating because of climate change which leads to severe diseases like cholera, malaria, tuberculosis and most importantly mental health. After all, we know that Climate Change will kill us like a deadly disease if we don’t take firm steps on time. Our government should declare the climate emergency in Pakistan. The Climate Talk has already started in the country but if we are not ready to declare the climate emergency, we should be ready to face its worst consequences.
Sustainable architecture, green energy, investing in renewable energies and divesting from fossils fuels are a few things that Pakistan should focus on to counter this menace.
Pakistan’s government has already started the climate talk both nationally and globally but now its time to implement all the possible measures. The government of Pakistan has already invested in afforestation campaigns like ‘Billion Tree Tsunami’. Seminars and campaigns regarding the climate crisis should be conducted so that the civil society is aware. By declaring the climate emergency in Pakistan, not only the environment of Pakistan will get much better but the GDP may also increase along with exports. Hence, it can be concluded that Declaring the Climate Emergency is the only way out of the crucial problem.