
حملوں کی نئ لہر اور فورسز کا جوابی ردعمل

حملوں کی نئ لہر اور فورسز کا جوابی ردعمل
عقیل یوسفزئی

پشاور سمیت پختون خوا کے متعدد دیگر علاقوں کو شدت پسندوں کے مسلسل حملوں کا سامنا ہے تاہم دوسری جانب فورسز کی کارروائیاں بھی کسی وقفے کے بغیر جاری ہیں اور اسی کا نتیجہ ہے کہ فورسز نہ صرف مسلسل قربانیاں دے رہی ہیں بلکہ انہوں نے متعدد بڑے حملوں کو بھی نشانہ بنایا.
منگل کی شام کو ضلع خیبر کے علاقے علی مسجد میں 2 خودکش حملہ آوروں نے ایک مسجد کو اپنا ٹھکانہ بنانے کی کوشش کی جس کی اطلاع ملنے پر مقامی پولیس وہاں پہنچ گئی. ایڈیشنل ایس ایچ او نے حملہ آوروں کو گھیرے میں لیا تو ایک نے خود کو اڑادیا جبکہ دوسرے نے فرار ہونے کی کوشش کی جس کو بعد میں فورسز نے گرفتار کرلیا. اس واقعے میں مذکورہ پولیس افسر شہید ہوگیا.
خدشہ اور امکان ظاہر کیا جارہا ہے کہ دونوں حملہ آور پشاور یا کسی سرکاری عمارت کو نشانہ بنانے کے ٹاسک پر تھے تاہم پولیس نے قربانی دیکر ان کی پلاننگ کو ناکام بنایا.
سی ٹی ڈی کی ایک حالیہ رپورٹ کے مطابق رواں سال خیبر پختون خوا کو 665 حملوں کا نشانہ بنایا گیا ہے جن میں 15 خودکش اور 16 راکٹ حملے بھی شامل ہیں.
دوسری طرف اس برس مختلف کارروائیوں کے نتیجے میں 139 شدت پسندوں یا حملہ آوروں کو ہلاک کیا گیا جبکہ 432 کو گرفتار کیا گیا. یہ اس جانب اشارہ ہے کہ فورسز اس کے باوجود کویک رسپانس دے رہی ہیں کہ اب کے بار حملوں کا مین ٹارگٹ فورسز خصوصاً پولیس فورس ہی ہے.
حملوں کی تعداد میں اضافے کی بڑی وجہ ماہرین دہشتگردی کے خلاف ریاست کی دوٹوک اور واضح پالیسی قرار دیتے ہیں جبکہ ایک اور وجہ یہ بھی ہے کہ پاکستان ٹی ٹی پی کے معاملے پر افغان حکومت پر مسلسل دباؤ بھی بڑھا رہا ہے.


Congo Virus Spread in KP

Amna Noreen

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF), also known as Congo virus, is a tick-borne viral disease that can cause severe bleeding, organ failure and death in humans. The virus is transmitted by ticks of the Hyalomma genus, which feed on livestock and wild animals. Humans can get infected by direct contact with blood or tissues of infected animals, or by bites of infected ticks. The disease has a fatality rate of 10-40%, depending on the availability of treatment and supportive care.

The symptoms of CCHF usually appear within one to three days after exposure, and may include fever, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sore throat and bleeding from the nose, gums, skin or internal organs. Some people may also experience mood swings, confusion, agitation or coma. The disease can be diagnosed by laboratory tests that detect the virus or its antibodies in blood or tissue samples. The treatment for CCHF consists of supportive care and antiviral drugs such as ribavirin.

CCHF is endemic in many regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. In Pakistan, the first case of CCHF was reported in 1976 in Karachi, and since then, sporadic outbreaks have occurred in different parts of the country, especially in Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab provinces. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), Pakistan reported 356 confirmed cases of CCHF from January 2014 to May 2020, with 72 deaths.

However, in recent months, there has been a surge in CCHF cases in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), a province bordering Afghanistan. According to health officials, eight cases have been confirmed in KP since June 2023, with one death reported. The deceased was an Afghan national who died at Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC) in Peshawar on July 8. Three other patients are undergoing treatment at HMC, and one at Khyber Teaching Hospital. The rest have been discharged after recovery.

The rise in CCHF cases in KP has raised concerns among health authorities and the public, especially as the province prepares for Eid-ul-Azha, a religious festival that involves the sacrifice of animals. During this time, the risk of exposure to infected animals and ticks increases, as people buy, transport and slaughter animals without proper precautions. Moreover, the influx of animals and people from neighboring Afghanistan, where CCHF is also prevalent, may pose an additional challenge for disease surveillance and control.

To prevent and control the spread of CCHF in KP, health officials have advised people to take preventive measures such as wearing gloves and masks when handling animals or their products, avoiding contact with blood or body fluids of sick animals or humans, applying insect repellents or wearing protective clothing when visiting tick-infested areas, and seeking medical attention if they develop symptoms. Furthermore, health authorities have urged livestock owners and traders to deworm and treat their animals for ticks before bringing them to the markets or slaughterhouses.

The best way to prevent Congo virus infection is to avoid exposure to ticks and animals that may carry the virus. Here are some tips to protect yourself and your family from CCHF:

– Wear gloves, masks, long sleeves, trousers and boots when handling animals or their products, especially during slaughtering, skinning, butchering or disposing of carcasses.
– Avoid contact with blood or body fluids of sick animals or humans, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after any contact.
– Apply insect repellents or wear protective clothing when visiting tick-infested areas, such as forests, grasslands or farms.
– Check yourself and your animals for ticks regularly, and remove them carefully with tweezers or a tick remover. Do not crush or squeeze the ticks, as this may release the virus.
– Seek medical attention if you develop symptoms of CCHF, such as fever, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sore throat or bleeding. Tell your doctor if you have been in contact with ticks or animals that may be infected.
– Follow the instructions of health authorities and cooperate with disease surveillance and control measures.

CCHF is a serious public health threat that requires coordinated efforts from all stakeholders to prevent and contain outbreaks. By raising awareness, enhancing surveillance and laboratory capacity, ensuring timely diagnosis and treatment, and implementing effective infection prevention and control measures, KP can reduce the impact of this deadly disease on its population.


نوجوان ہماراقیمتی سرمایہ

وصال محمدخانی
یہ بات شک وشبہے سے بالاترہے کہ نوجوان کسی ملک کاقیمتی سرمایہ ہوتا ہے موجودہ سرپٹ بھاگتی دوڑتی ہوئی دنیامیں اگرچہ کسی بھی عمرکے فردکوبے کارقرارنہیں دیاجاسکتا مگرجوان عمرکے افرادنہ صرف کسی ملک کاآج سنوارتے ہیں بلکہ یہ مستقبل میں بھی ملک کی بھاگ ڈورسنبھا لتے ہیں وطن عزیزمیں جس طرح دیگرایج گروپ کے لوگ استحصال کاشکارہیں اسی طرح نوجوانوں کوبھی وہ مواقع میسر نہیں جس سے وہ اپنی اورقوم کی تقدیرسنوارسکیں یہاں نوجوانوں کے ذہن میں یہی بات بٹھادی گئی ہے کہ وہ سرکاری نوکری کرینگے توقابل رشک زندگی گزار نے کے قابل ہونگے ورنہ دھکے ہی کھاتے پھروگے چونکہ یہاں تعلیم کے مواقع انتہائی محدودہیں،تعلیم کاحصول ازحدمشکل ہے تعلیم مہنگی ہے جوغالب اکثریت کی پہنچ سے دورہے جن نوجوانوں کوتعلیم کی سہولت حاصل ہے انہیں مناسب رہنمائی دستیاب نہیں کچھ عرصہ قبل تک توخواتین کی تعلیم کومعیوب سمجھاجا تاتھامگراب ملک کے بیشترحصوں میں خواتین کی تعلیم پرتوجہ دی جارہی ہے چونکہ ماہرخواتین کی کمی ہے جس کایہ نقصان ہورہاہے کہ بچیاں محض سرکاری سکول میں ٹیچربننے کی تعلیم حاصل کررہی ہیں تاکہ وہ تعلیم سے فارغ ہوکر سرکاری سکول میں ٹیچربھرتی ہوں راقم کے مشاہدے میں درجنوں بچیاں آئی ہیں جنہوں نے بی اے،بی ایڈوغیرہ کی تعلیم حاصل کی ہوئی ہے یہ تعلیم انہوں نے جان جوکھوں میں ڈال کرحاصل کی ہے لیکن یہ بچیاں سرکاری سکولوں میں اسامیاں خالی ہونے کے انتظارمیں جوانی کی دہلیزپارکرجاتی ہیں مگرملازمت انکی پہنچ سے دورہوتی ہے مسئلہ یہ ہے کہ یہاں ہرنوجوان بچی کاخواب سرکاری سکول میں ٹیچربننااورہرنوجوان بچے کاسپناکلرک بننارہ گیاہے سکولوں میں ایسامیکانزم بنائے بغیرجوان خون کوملکی ترقی کیلئے بروئے کارنہیں لایاجاسکتاجس سے ابتدائی سطح سے بچے یابچی کوپڑھنے لکھنے کیساتھ ساتھ فنی تعلیم کے زیورسے بھی آراستہ کیاجائے تاکہ وہ ٹیچریابابوبننے کی بجائے دیگر سینکڑوں پیشوں میں سے کسی شعبے میں اپنی صلاحیتوں کالوہامنوائے جن ملکوں نے ہماری آنکھوں کے سامنے ترقی کی منازل طے کی ہیں وہاں کلرک اورسرکاری سکول کاٹیچر بننے کی بجائے نوجوانوں کو دیگرشعبوں کی جانب راغب کیاجاتاہے جاپان،چین اورکوریامیں نوجوان چارچار ایم اے کرنے کی بجائے کسی بھی شعبے میں مہارت کی ڈگری حاصل کرتے ہیں فنی مہارت کی ڈگری نہ صرف اپنے ملک کے کام آتی ہے بلکہ بیرون ملک بھی اسکی مانگ ہوتی ہے یہاں صرف پڑھایاجاتاہے سکھایانہیں جاتا اورجوسکھایاجاتاہے اس سے فائدہ اٹھانایاتوجان جوکھوں کاکھیل ہے یاپھراسکے مواقع دستیاب نہیں حکومتی سطح پرنوجوانوں کیلئے تعلیم کے مواقع پیداکرنے کے محض دعوے کئے جاتے ہیں مگرموقع مہیاکرنے پرکوئی توجہ نہیں دی جاتی یہی وجہ ہے کہ نوجوانوں کاحال اورمستقبل دونوں تباہ ہورہے ہیں مناسب سہولیات اورمواقع نہ ملنے کے سبب نوجوان منشیات کے عادی بن رہے ہیں، مذہبی انتہاپسندوں کاروپ دھاررہے ہیں،دہشت گردوں کے ہتھے چڑھ رہے ہیں، چورڈاکواوررہزن بن رہے ہیں، یاپھرعمران خان جیسے فتنے کی باتوں میں آکراپنی ہی محافظ فوج کے تنصیبات پرحملے کررہے ہیں 9مئی کے واقعات میں ملوث نوجوان اگر عمران خان جیسے سہانے سپنے بیچنے والے سے متاثرنہ ہوتے توملکی تاریخ میں سیاہ باب کااضافہ کیونکرہوتا؟کھیل اورتفریح کی مثبت اورمعیار ی سہولیات میسرہوتیں توعمران خان کی الٹی سیدھی باتوں میں آنے کی نوبت نہ آتی بدقسمتی سے ملکی میڈیانے کرکٹ کوعوام کامقبول ترین کھیل بنادیااس کھیل میں کچھ بہتر کارکردگی کامظاہرہ کرنے والے بڑبولے کوقومی ہیروکادرجہ دیاگیا اس نام نہادقومی ہیرونے کوتاہ فہم نوجوانوں کواپنی بات سننے پرمائل کیا جب اسے یقین ہواکہ یہ نوجوان اب اسکی ٹرانس میں آچکے ہیں تواس نے انکی طاقت کوذاتی مفادات کیلئے قومی مفادکے خلاف استعمال کر نے پرآمادہ کیاجس کالازمی نتیجہ 9مئی کی صورت نکلناتھااس ملک کے نوجوان کویہ سمجھانے کی ضرورت ہے کہ ملک کے کوئی200ارب ڈالرباہرنہیں پڑے ہوئے اورنہ ہی اتنی بڑی رقم مرادسعیدکے کہنے سے ملک آسکتی ہے آج کے نوجوان نے ہی محنت کرکے ملکی دولت کودوسو ارب ڈالرتک پہنچاناہے مرادسعیدکے کہنے سے ڈالرزکے انبارلگناممکن نہیں دولت کے انبارکیلئے محنت کرکے دولت کمانی ہوگی، بیرونی ملک قانونی طریقے سے جاکرذرمبادلہ کماناہوگا باہربطورلیبرنہیں بلکہ کوئی نہ کوئی ہنرسیکھ کرجاناہوگا ایسے ہنروں کی بہتات ہے جن کی بہت سے ممالک میں ضرورت اور مانگ ہے اوروہاں سے بطور لیبر ہزاردرہم کمانے کی بجائے بطورہنرمندیاکسی شعبے کے ماہرایک کی بجائے آپ پانچ دس ہزاردرہم کماسکتے ہیں ریاست اپنے قیمتی سرمائے کومحفوظ بنانے کیلئے اقدامات کرے،صرف کرکٹ کی فروغ کے بجائے دیگرکھیلوں پرتوجہ دی جائے، کھیلوں کے میدان بنائے جائیں، سکول سطح سے فنی تعلیم یقینی بنائی جائے،تیس سال سے کم عمرافرادکی سیاست میں حصہ لینے پرپابندی لگائی جائے،بلکہ ووٹرکیلئے کم ازکم عمربھی تیس سال مقررکی جائے تاکہ کوئی شہری اس وقت ووٹ ڈالنے کے قابل ہوجب اس کاذہن پختہ ہوجائے، والدین اپنے بچوں اوربچیوں پرکڑی نظررکھیں، دسویں جماعت پاس کرنے سے قبل بچوں کوموبائل سے دوررکھاجائے،گھراورسکول میں بچوں کی اسلامی تعلیمات کے مطابق تربیت کی جائے، بچے کی پہلی درسگاہ ماں کی گودہوتی ہے یہیں سے بچوں کواخلاقیات سکھائی جائیں،سوشل میڈیاکوکنٹرول کیاجائے،دین اسلام میں مادرپدرآزادی کاتصور موجودنہیں ریاست اورقوم مل کرہی اپنے قیمتی سرمائے نوجوانوں کوبے راہروی،منشیات کے استعمال،بداخلاقی، بدتہذیبی اوردہشت گردوں کے ہتھے چڑھنے سے محفوظ رکھ سکتی ہے۔اوراب ہمیں اس جانب توجہ دیناہوگی ورنہ ہماری داستاں بھی نہ ہوگی داستانوں میں۔


خیبرپختونخوامیں تیز بارشوں,لینڈسلائیڈنگ حادثات کےنتجے میں 15افراد جابحق

پشاور: گزشتہ چار دنوں کےدوران خیبرپختونخوامیں تیز بارشوں اور لینڈسلائیڈنگ سےحادثات کےنتجے میں 15افراد جابحق جبکہ 14 افراد ذخمی ہوئے ۔

پی ڈی ایم اےرپورٹ کے مطابق اب تک کی اطلاعات کے مطابق صوبہ بھرمیں سیلاب اور بارشوں سے83گھروں کوجزوی جبکہ12 گھروں کو مکمل نقصان پہنچا۔
بارشوں ،لینڈسلائیڈنگ اورسیلاب سے متاثرہ اضلاع میں امدادی سرگرمیاں جاری ہیں۔
۔متاثرین کو پالیسی کےمطابق ریلیف کمپنسیشن فوری طور پر ادا کرنے کی ہدایت کی گئی ہے۔
صوبائی حکومت کی ہدایت پر بارشوں اورسیلاب سے متاثرہ اضلاع کےلیے 60 ملین روپے جاری کر دیئے گئے۔


اوگرا نے گیس ٹیرف بڑھانے کی منظوری دے دی

اوگرا نے گیس ٹیرف بڑھانے کی منظوری دے دی
سوئی ناردرن صارفین کیلئے گیس کی قیمت میں 50 فیصد اور سدرن صارفین کیلئے نرخ میں 42 فیصد تک اضافے کی منظوری دی گئی. حکومت کی منظوری کے بعد قیمتوں میں اضافہ ہو گا.

سوئی نادرن صارفین کیلئے گیس نرخ 415 روپے 11 پیسے فی ایم ایم بی ٹی یو بڑھانے کی منظوری دی گئی،اسی طرح سوئی سدرن کے صارفین کیلئے نرخ 417 روپے فی ایم ایم بی ٹی یو بڑھانے کی منظوری دی گئی۔

اگر حکومت اس اضافے کی مںظوری دیتی ہے تو سوئی نادرن کے صارفین کا فی ایم ایم بی ٹی یو ریٹ 1238 روپے 68 پیسے ہو جائے گا،جبکہ سوئی سدرن کے صارفین کیلئے نرخ فی ایم ایم بی ٹی یو 1350 روپے 68 پیسے فی یونٹ ہو جائے گا۔

Bridging the divide: synergising national unity amidst divergent political ambitions.

Bridging the divide: Synergising national unity amidst divergent political ambitions

Farzana Shah

Events that transpired since the last edition of this publication have shaken Pakistan’s political landscape. Politics of collision and clash has divided the social fabric of the nation as well. Violent behaviour by a political party pitched Pakistani people and the national security establishment in front of each other. Its violent political agenda vividly display the divergence mainly from collective future of this nation based on shared national interests in which internal unity is paramount.

The incidents of May 9th 2023 exposed the rise of divergent political ambitions in national politics hiding behind the slogans of justice and human rights.  Defense Installations including Jinnah House, Lahore and General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi were attacked, Radio Pakistan Peshawar was burnt, and many other military installations were attacked accross Pakistan on this fateful day. National leadership has declared 9th May 2023 a Black Day in history. The nation is now demanding the accountability of those involved in the planning and carrying out of these heinous acts of treason and betrayal. Pakistan Army has made it crystal that no one involved in these crimes in any capacity will be spared.

But there lies a bigger concern for the state of Pakistan and that is how to synergize the national unity in this charged volatile political environment?

Pakistan’s enemies are well aware of the fact that Pakistan Army remains the centre of gravity and binding force for the federation of Pakistan. The unity of the federation of Pakistan is dependent on the cohesion of the bond of love between the people of Pakistan and its armed forces. A threat to this cohesion is a threat to national unity. The new wave of violent political culture and divergent political ambitions have ushered centrifugal tendencies in national politics in Pakistan.

These tendencies refer to the forces that pull different regions or groups within the state apart, rather than uniting them. Usually, these centrifugal forces are attributed to various factors such as regional disparities, ethnic and linguistic diversity, and historical grievances. It is important to note that while these tendencies exist, the government and various stakeholders continuously work towards promoting national unity and addressing these challenges. What transpired in Pakistani politics in the last 5 years, gave rise to the new wave of these tendencies in social, physical and intellectual spheres.

For a state like Pakistan where already historic ethnic and linguistic fault lines exist, such tendencies in national politics can be a direct threat to national security.

Why 9th May holds much significance can be judged by the fact that never before in the history of the Pakistan, our enemies could achieve despite making huge investments what they achieved on that day without making any investments. To make matters worse, a nefarious propaganda campaign about the military courts’ establishment was launched on social media. The crux of this propaganda is based on the claim that new military courts can’t be set up without parliament’s approval but forgot that the same was sought in 2017 and many terrorists were tried in the same military courts during their own tenure. Military courts in Pakistan never stopped working after 2015 when the then parliament approve of its establishment for the 2nd time after the unfortunate incident of APS. It was not Pakistan Army’s demand to set up these courts, instead, parliament on strong public demand set up these special courts through dozens of hardcore terrorists were convicted and punished.

The severity of these violent centrifugal politics and scale of its adverse effects on national unity is evident from the fact that after 1971, it was the first time that people of Pakistan, mainly misguided youth, were pitched against their own security forces. 52 years ago, the Awami league rallied Bengali youth against the armed forces of Pakistan in former East Pakistan to further India’s strategic designs in the region. Not only armed forces officials, but all non-Bengali people in former East Pakistan were threatened, harmed, and humiliated. The main tactics of Awami league were comprised of the application of centrifugal tendencies in academics, news media, and social domains.

What the state of Pakistan suffered from on May 9th, 2023 was no different from what transpired 5 decades ago. The strategy was the same; the only difference was the operational and tactical approaches due to changed times and circumstances. First, a narrative using new age propaganda medium i.e., social media was launched where Pakistan Army, its leadership, and ISI were presented in extremely bad light. Once a critical mass of youth was indoctrinated, 2nd phase was launched by defying law enforcement on the roads violently when they approached to apprehend the mastermind. Violence worked as a catalyst and now misguided youth was enraged as well. May 9th call for protest was the final act of this grand plan against the 5th largest military and only Muslim nuclear power. If it were not for the restraint shown by Pakistan Army and other LEAs, the situation could have turned into a complete bloodbath in multiple cities.

This misleading and violent politics of divergence and divide also demands a revision of existing cyber laws in the country so that misinformation, deception and sublime non-linguistic programming of youth can be kept in check. The state of Pakistan must make foreign-based tech giants obey local laws and security concerns for their commercial operations in the country’s cyberspace.

Pakistan will have to overcome the challenge of centrifugal tendencies in national politics. Responsible freedom of speech is critical in this regard. Media houses and news outlets regulations must be revised to ensure that provisions in the constitution regarding the sanctity of armed forces and national security institutions are being implemented in letter and spirit across the board.

The application of the writ of the state must be seen by all and must not be limited to platitudes. In this regard, the perpetrators of May 9th must be punished as per the law of the land without any regard for their social and political status. After losing support base on the political landscape considerably, a new propaganda campaign commenced with the narrative that all those who left this party were pressurised by Pakistan Army and they have been pardoned for switching their loyalties, hence May 9th was a false flag operation. This is again a smearing campaign based on misinformation and lies.

This propaganda is the reason why perpetrators of May 9th 2023 must be convicted and punished in a swift manner regardless of where lies their current political allegiances. Failure in this would not only encourage these political jugglers but would further strengthen their propaganda. It would provide them opportunities to continue with their self-centred political agenda to pollute national politics with blatant lies, hatred for the national security establishment and opportunistic leadership. Pakistan is already facing multiple challenges and can’t afford to be hostage to such tendencies. It is time to put the jinni back in the bottle to safeguard our national cohesion!


Mountain peaks of Pakistan: A paradise for adventurous souls

Amna Noreen

Pakistan, a land known for its diverse landscapes, cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, is also home to some of the world’s most breathtaking mountain ranges. Nestled in the northern region of the country, these majestic peaks beckon climbers from across the globe to test their mettle against nature’s formidable challenges. From the legendary K2 to the awe-inspiring Nanga Parbat and the mesmerizing Rakaposhi, Pakistan’s mountain peaks offer an unparalleled experience for adventure enthusiasts and professional climbers alike. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of these remarkable peaks, exploring their allure and why they continue to captivate climbers year after year.

K2: The Savage Mountain: Standing tall at 8,611 meters (28,251 feet), K2 is the crown jewel of Pakistan’s mountain peaks. Known as the “Savage Mountain” due to its unforgiving nature, it presents an extraordinary challenge to climbers. K2 was first successfully climbed on July 31, 1954, by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio. The historic ascent was made by Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni, who reached the summit after enduring grueling conditions and making a final push without supplementary oxygen.

Nanga Parbat: The Killer Mountain: Rising majestically to an elevation of 8,126 meters (26,660 feet), Nanga Parbat earns its moniker as the “Killer Mountain” due to its notorious history. It poses tremendous challenges with its steep slopes, frequent avalanches, and unpredictable weather. Nanga Parbat was first conquered on July 3, 1953, by Hermann Buhl, an Austrian climber. Buhl’s solo ascent without supplemental oxygen and his survival of a night without shelter at the peak earned him legendary status in the mountaineering community.

Rakaposhi: The Queen of Karakoram: With its stunning pyramidal peak soaring to 7,788 meters (25,551 feet), Rakaposhi holds a special place among the world’s most beautiful mountains. Located in the Karakoram Range, it entices climbers with its mesmerizing beauty and challenging ascent. Rakaposhi was first climbed on June 25, 1958, by a British-Pakistani expedition led by Mike Banks. This historic achievement marked the first successful ascent of the mountain, with Tom Patey and Captain Sher Khan reaching the summit.

Broad Peak I and II: The Twins of Godwin-Austen: Sharing the Godwin-Austen Glacier, Broad Peak I (also known as K3) and Broad Peak II (also known as K4) offer climbers twin peaks to conquer. Standing at 8,051 meters (26,414 feet) and 8,047 meters (26,400 feet), respectively, these mountains present formidable challenges. Broad Peak I was first climbed on June 9, 1957, by an Austrian expedition led by Marcus Schmuck. Fritz Wintersteller, Kurt Diemberger, and Hermann Buhl were part of the team that reached the summit. Broad Peak II was first ascended on July 9, 1975, by an Austrian team led by Peter Scholz.

Gasherbrum I and II: The Hidden Peaks: Gasherbrum I, also known as Hidden Peak, stands at an imposing height of 8,080 meters (26,509 feet), making it one of the world’s highest peaks. It was first climbed on July 5, 1958, by an American expedition led by Nicholas Clinch. Pete Schoening and Andy Kauffman were the first to reach the summit. Gasherbrum II, located close to Gasherbrum I, stands at 8,035 meters (26,362 feet). It was first ascended on July 7, 1956, by an Austrian expedition led by Fritz Moravec.

Masherbrum: The Queen of Baltoro: Revered as the “Queen of Baltoro,” Masherbrum is an awe-inspiring mountain standing at 7,821 meters (25,659 feet). It was first climbed on July 6, 1960, by a joint Pakistani-Japanese expedition. The team included Nazir Sabir, Masao Abe, and Fumitaka Ichimura, who successfully reached the summit and etched their names in mountaineering history.

Spantik: The Golden Peak: Spantik, also known as the Golden Peak, is a majestic mountain located in the Karakoram Range. Rising to an elevation of 7,027 meters (23,058 feet), it offers a challenging but achievable ascent for experienced climbers. Spantik was first climbed on July 11, 1955, by a German expedition led by Karl Kramer.

Trango Towers: The Crown Jewels of Karakoram: The Trango Towers, a group of dramatic granite spires, are considered the crown jewels of the Karakoram Range. These stunning formations attract climbers with their technical challenges and awe-inspiring beauty. The first ascent of the Great Trango Tower, the tallest in the group, was made in 1977 by a British-American team led by Joe Brown and Mo Anthoine.

Annual Climber Visitation: Pakistan’s mountain peaks, including K2, Nanga Parbat, Gasherbrum I and II, Masherbrum, Spantik, and Trango Towers, attract a significant number of climbers each year. While precise figures may vary, on average, hundreds of climbers from around the world venture to Pakistan to attempt these mountain summits annually. The allure of these peaks, the desire to conquer their challenges, and the opportunity to experience the breathtaking landscapes draw adventure enthusiasts and professional climbers to Pakistan’s mountains time and again.

There are many reasons why above mention natural features located in Pakistan’s northern areas and KPK attract world’s top climbers to Pakistan every year.

Unspoiled Natural Beauty: The mountain ranges in Pakistan boast unspoiled natural beauty, with breathtaking vistas, pristine glaciers, and awe-inspiring landscapes. Climbers are drawn to the untouched wilderness, seeking solace in the serenity of these remote regions.

Technical Challenges: Pakistan’s mountain peaks present climbers with a perfect blend of technical challenges and physical demands. The rugged terrains, steep ascents, and unpredictable weather conditions provide a true test of climbers’ skills, pushing them to their limits and beyond.

Cultural Experience: In addition to the thrilling adventure, climbers also have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Pakistan’s rich cultural heritage. The warmth and hospitality of the local communities create a unique experience, fostering a sense of connection and camaraderie.

Sense of Achievement: Conquering the mighty peaks of Pakistan is a remarkable achievement for any climber. The resilience, determination, and perseverance required to overcome the challenges of these mountains leave climbers with a profound sense of accomplishment and personal growth.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s mountain peaks, including K2, Nanga Parbat, Rakaposhi, Broad Peak I, and Broad Peak II, offer a haven for climbers seeking the ultimate adventure. These towering giants, with their formidable challenges and captivating beauty, continue to captivate professional climbers from all corners of the world. The allure lies not only in the technical difficulties posed by these mountains but also in the unspoiled landscapes, the sense of achievement upon conquering them, and the opportunity to immerse oneself in the rich cultural tapestry of Pakistan. Embarking on a mountaineering expedition in Pakistan is an experience that pushes climbers to their limits, rewarding them with memories that will last a lifetime. Though many lives have been claimed by these exotic peaks, world climbers continue to visit Pakistan every year. Pakistan needs to develop facilities for these foreign visitors to exploit their economic potential fully.

Gender Inequality In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa And Its Socio-Economic Impact

Gender Inequality In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa And Its Socio-Economic Impact


Gender inequality is a critical issue that is hindering the socio-economic progress of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province in Pakistan. It is a social evil that not only affects women’s growth and development but also undermines the overall progress of the region. Despite the government’s efforts to promote gender equality, this problem persists, and women continue to face various forms of discrimination and oppression. This blog post will discuss the causes of gender inequality in KP and suggest ways to remedy this issue.

One of the primary reasons for gender inequality in KP is the patriarchal mindset prevalent in the society. The conservative cultural norms and values dictate that women should stay at home and not participate in public life. This mindset perpetuates gender discrimination and limits women’s access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities. Another factor contributing to gender inequality is the lack of awareness and education. Women in KP are often illiterate and rely on men to make decisions on their behalf. This lack of education and knowledge leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.

Gender-based violence is another significant issue that contributes to gender inequality in KP. Women are subjected to physical, emotional, and psychological abuse, and the perpetrators often go unpunished. This violence not only harms women’s physical and mental health but also limits their mobility and access to public spaces.

The gender pay gap is another manifestation of gender inequality in KP. Women are often paid less than men for the same job, and they have limited opportunities for career growth. This wage gap perpetuates the existing power dynamics and reinforces the idea that women are inferior to men.

To remedy gender inequality in KP, there needs to be a concerted effort to change the prevailing cultural norms and values. The government needs to invest in education and awareness campaigns that promote gender equality and empower women. Women should be encouraged to participate in the public sphere and be given equal opportunities for education, healthcare, and employment. The government should also enforce strict laws to protect women from gender-based violence and ensure that perpetrators are punished.

Furthermore, there needs to be a focus on ensuring that women are paid equally to men for the same job. The government should encourage companies to adopt fair pay policies and penalize those that discriminate against women. This will not only empower women but also contribute to economic growth and development.

In conclusion, gender inequality is a significant impediment to the socio-economic progress of KP’s women potential. It is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach to address. The government, civil society, and individuals need to work together to change the cultural mindset, promote education and awareness, and enforce laws that protect women’s rights. Only then can we hope to achieve gender equality and unlock the full potential of KP’s women.

Disinformation pushing youth towards extreme ideologies

Disinformation pushing youth towards extreme ideologies


The contemporary era, digital connectivity and rampant spread of information has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming entirely the way we communicate, work, learn, and engage with the world. The rapid advancements in digital technology and the proliferation of the internet have brought about a revolution in connectivity, enabling seamless interactions across geographic boundaries. It has become the mainstay of the contemporary world, reshaping entirely the ways we live, work, and interact with each other. It has connected people belonging from opposite poles of the globe, transcended borders, transformed industries, and enhanced access to education and healthcare. In larger perspective it could rightly be said that the strategies through which international communities operate has significantly influenced by this digital and technological revolution.

However, as we embrace the opportunities offered by digital connectivity, we must also address the challenges it poses. The use of Disinformation has become a potent weapon to manipulate the population and create extreme ideologies among masses. It also undermines democratic systems worldwide. During elections, false narratives and targeted propaganda can be strategically deployed to manipulate public opinion, sow division, and erode trust in political processes. In the United States, the 2016 presidential election witnessed extensive disinformation campaigns, as malicious actors exploited social media platforms to spread false information and sow discord among voters. This manipulation of democratic discourse poses a grave threat to the principles of transparency, accountability, and informed decision-making.

Disinformation, which refers to the intentional propagation of false information aimed at manipulating or deceiving individuals, has emerged as a major challenge in Pakistan, motivated by the growing usage of the internet and social media platforms. Disinformation campaigns in the country are predominantly driven by political motivations. It exacerbates divisions on various levels and fosters extreme social and political polarization as seen in the multiple states like Egypt, Turkiye and now Pakistan. Misinformation, propaganda, and false narratives pose significant threats to its social fabric, democracy, and national security of Pakistan. Some anti-state entities are actively involved in producing content that directly poses existential threats the ideologies of Pakistan’s youth. It has fueled hatred among people towards state institutions and armed forces. Besides these deepens animosities not only among people but different political groups and undermines social cohesion.

As we are witnessing an extreme divide among the people of Pakistan based political narratives, which are certainly influenced by various digital campaigns. The consequences are evident in the form of violent conflicts, civil unrest:  as seen in the recent attacks on general headquarters and public properties. The dissemination of fake news and manipulated videos has sparked violent clashes among public and police forces, hundreds of people were arrested as a consequence for vandalizing public and private properties.

Furthermore, the massive level of societal breakdown happened in Pakistan since last few years , due to the spread of fake information and propagandist operating around the globe, targeting and exploiting sensitive issues such as religion, ethnicity, or political ideologies. The spread of disinformation through social media platforms, often driven by echo chambers and algorithmic bias, intensifies polarization, making it increasingly challenging for people to distinguish between fake and authentic information and engage in meaningful dialogue or find common ground.

Perhaps one of the most significant consequences of the modernization of digital world is the erosion of trust in state institutions. In Pakistan people gettinglynched by the public based on fake narratives. Recently, due to the vulnerable political situation in Pakistan, Indians and Israeli hackers that were exploiting the opportunity and thought to be involved in running an anti-state and anti-military campaigns in Pakistan. Meanwhile most of the population of Pakistan, which is yet to be politically wake, is getting under the water by the floods of information produced daily on every social media platform. This widespread dissemination of false information has eroded the public confidence in traditional media organizations, government agencies and other administrative bodies.

This loss of trust prevalent in Pakistan’s youth in government and institutions has undermined the bedrock of democracy and fostered a general sense of skepticism among citizens regarding the political and economic future of Pakistan. The economic consequences of current wave of disinformation in Pakistan are not limited to social and political domains. False information, rumors, and manipulated data has impacted and international national investor’s confidence and most of them has moved their businesses outside Pakistan to avoid bankruptcy. It has certainly affected market stability which is evident from the crash of Pakistan’s currency and undermined national business reputation. For instance, rumors about the financial health of companies have led to significant stock market fluctuations.

Thus combatting the menace of this information warfare it is necessary to educate citizens about media literacy and critical thinking. It will empower them to identify and verify reliable information sources and would help them recognize any propaganda against national ideologies. Moreover, Introducing media literacy programs in educational curricula and organizing awareness campaigns to enhance resilience against disinformation is needed, necessary, and mandatory. Such initiatives are vital to protect youth from indulging their minds in extremist narratives and becoming a threat to the national security of and stability of Pakistan.

To counter disinformation in Pakistan, the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) was enacted in 2016, penalizing those who intentionally spread false information through electronic channels. However, the law has been criticized for curbing free speech and infringing on the right to freedom of expression. Additionally, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) established a web monitoring system in 2019 to detect objectionable online content, but it has faced the same accusations of censorship and limiting access to information, especially for legitimate dissenting voices and critical perspectives.

Therefore, banning or restriction on social media platforms like twitter, Facebook, and whatsapp are not the wisely perceived solution of government to cope with the prevailing misuse of these platforms, rather it is conceived as the violation of fundamental and constitutional rights of citizen and in general scourge of democratic values by the international community. On that account, the Pakistan government needs to strengthen legal frameworks to combat disinformation campaigns, including the policy revision of PECA to ensure that it does not violate freedom of expression and developing new laws and regulations to address disinformation campaigns.