TTP’s Deception Stands Exposed!
Shahzad Masood Roomi
Pakistan’s war against foreign funded terrorists’ origin in Baluchistan and KP continued throughout 2023 as well. Hundreds of sons of soil made ultimate sacrifices in the line of duty to keep the motherland safe from enemy’s nefarious designs. With the help of the Pakistani people, Pakistan LEAs were able to end the terrorist crisis in their country in 2014, and their leadership departed for Afghanistan. They exposed themselves in the process, even if they were able to save their lives there. The following information corroborates this claim. Today, TTP’s main bastion is in Afghanistan right now and it has become harbinger of rift between two brotherly nations who shared strong historic cultural bonds.
As a strategy, TTP leaders are abusing innocent people by intimidation, fear mongering, pressure, and religious manipulation. They have no understanding of Pakistan’s religious, ethical, moral, or cultural values. This explains why they go on murdering sprees across the nation through acts like suicide bombings. By doing such horrible acts, they hope to terrorize the populace into accepting their violent, perverted, and un-Islamic worldview. However, the people of Pakistan are aware of the TTP’s self-serving intentions and their “Fasadi Agenda,” which is why, in spite of numerous horrific incidents, they have been utterly unsuccessful in disguising their political objectives under their shallow Islamic slogans.
The TTP leadership is nothing more than a group of cunning, opportunistic, cowardly, and dishonest manipulators when we look at their actions. These characteristics are used by them to manipulate and employ innocent individuals and foot soldiers in Pakistan as pawns in their evil schemes. Any Pakistani who defends the nation’s customs, laws, and principles is viewed by them as a heretic (Kafir) who should be executed.
TTP commanders are dishonest because, despite promoting their purportedly holy cause, they never take the initiative to command their warriors. While its warriors are engaged in a pointless conflict in Pakistan, the whole leadership—including that of MNW, Mangal Bagh, Muhammad Khorasani, Faqeer Muhammad, and others—is stationed in Afghanistan.
Their cushy life in Afghanistan has made them opportunistic and crafty, while the foot soldiers have been left to face the difficult, unfriendly, and intimidating conditions in Pakistan, where the LEAs eventually remove these terrorists. This is further supported by the recent reconciliation effort with the GoP, in which TTP commanders showed their opportunism by expanding their presence in Pakistan while disguising themselves as part of the process.
The cowardice exhibited by TTP leaders is apparent in their unwillingness to lead the alleged Jehad in Pakistan, as seen by their recent executions.
Their manipulations and duplicity are evident when they target and entice impoverished Afghan nationals for what they claim to be Jehad in Afghanistan, blatantly disregarding the fatwas of eminent Islamic scholars from all religious sects. By doing this, TTP commanders are trying to achieve two goals: first, they are using religious manipulation to recruit fighters from Afghanistan for terrorism in Pakistan; second, they are stoking tensions between IEA and Pakistan in order to further their evil plans. They would have enough room to operate safely from Afghanistan thanks to the divide and mistrust between the two states. TTP knows full well that if both nations.
The TTP is well aware that their days are limited if both nations band together to fight this threat. Their act of betrayal and dishonesty is to instill mistrust in order to prevent such a situation.
Within the TTP, infighting for the sake of power and influence is also frequent. JuA and TTP’s continuous media battle provides ample evidence for this claim. This is not the first instance that it has occurred. A great deal of blood was shed by foot soldiers and fighters, and the TTP split apart into numerous splinter cells, each with their own goal and engaging in turf wars with other cells. This demonstrates that the TTP is nothing more than hired guns, willing to use perverted religious doctrine to sow chaos in order to further their own agenda.
The primary evidence supporting TTP’s dualism is the lack of any observable leaders in suicide attacks, nor their relatives. The leaders themselves, as well as their relatives, are never involved active warfare or suicide assaults; only the poor, innocent, and frequently dumb people are brainwashed into suicide attacks.
If we look back in history, The TTP’s emergence in Pakistan in 2007 was akin to the resuscitation of Khawarij, a devious violent ideology that kept emerging time to time throughout Islamic history. This ideology originated during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is historically founded on a violent misreading of Islamic scripture. It persisted occasionally, and their sole goal has been to employ a perverted understanding of the Quran to label other Muslims as non-Muslims—a practice known as Takfir. Their main objective has always been to acquire authority and power through coercive measures using Islamic slogans.
The people of Afghanistan and the leadership of the IEA must comprehend the terrible reality and intentions of the TTP, which is using them to further its own agendas under the guise of religion. TTP is devious, cruel and treacherous terrorist outfit which has nothing to do with our great religion Islam which literally means “Peace”.
الیکشن کمیشن آف پاکستان نے عام انتخابات 2024 کے امیدواروں کا ڈیٹا جاری کردیا
الیکشن کمیشن آف پاکستان نے عام انتخابات 2024ء کے امیدواروں کا ڈیٹا جاری کردیا ہے۔ ای سی پی کے مطابق قومی اسمبلی کی 266 جنرل نشستوں کےلیے 5 ہزار 121 امیدوار میدان میں ہیں، جن میں سے مرد 4 ہزار 807، خواتین 312 اور 2 خواجہ سرا شامل ہیں۔ الیکشن کمیشن کے اعداد و شمار کے مطابق قومی اسمبلی کی جنرل نشستوں پر آزاد امیدواروں کی تعداد زیادہ ہے۔ ای سی پی کے مطابق جنرل نشستوں پر سیاسی جماعتوں کے ٹکٹ پر ایک ہزار 780 مرد اور 93 خواتین سمیت کل ایک ہزار 879 امیدوار میدان میں اترے ہیں۔ قومی اسمبلی کےلیے آزاد حیثیت میں الیکشن لڑنے والے امیدواروں کی تعداد 3 ہزار 248 ہے، جن میں 3 ہزار 27 مرد، 219 خواتین اور 2 خواجہ سرا ہیں۔ صوبائی اسمبلیوں کی جنرل نشستوں پر 12 ہزار 695 امیدوار میدان میں اترے ہیں۔ ان میں 4 ہزار 158 سیاسی جماعتوں سے وابستہ ہیں جبکہ 8 ہزار 536 آزاد امیدوار ہیں۔ پنجاب اسمبلی کےلیے 6 ہزار 710 امیدوار مقابلے کےلیے اترے ہیں جن میں 1 ہزار 874 کا تعلق سیاسی جماعتوں سے ہے جبکہ 4 ہزار 836 آزاد امیدوار ہیں۔
سندھ اسمبلی کےلیے 2 ہزار 878 امیدواروں کے درمیان مقابلہ ہوگا، جن میں 949 کا تعلق سیاسی جماعتوں سے ہے جبکہ 1 ہزار 929 آزاد امیدوار ہیں۔ خیبر پختونخوا اسمبلی کےلیے 1 ہزار 834 امیدوار انتخابی عمل کا حصہ بن رہے ہیں، جن میں 801 کے پاس پارٹی ٹکٹ ہے جبکہ 1 ہزار 33 کی حیثیت آزاد امیدوار کی ہے۔ بلوچستان اسمبلی کی امیدواری کےلیے 1 ہزار 273 افراد انتخابی میدان میں اترے ہیں، جن میں 534 کا تعلق سیاسی جماعتوں سے ہے جبکہ 739 آزاد حیثیت میں قسمت آزمائی کر رہے ہیں۔