Energy Crisis in KP

Energy Crisis in KP and Beyond!

Energy Crisis in KP and Beyond!

Shahzad Masood Roomi

At the end of the last fiscal year (completed on June 30th, 2024), Pakistan’s energy import bill swelled to a whopping $27 billion. In addition to this external bill, Pakistan had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to Independent Power Producers (IPPs) internally. Despite these expenditures, the country continues to struggle to meet the energy demands of households and industries.

Today, Pakistan has an installed capacity of 43,000 MW, with a significant disparity between a base load of around 12,500 MW and a summer peak load of around 30,000 MW due to the shift of winter heating loads to gas. However, due to contractual obligations, the government must pay for the entire installed capacity year-round, regardless of utilization. As a result, the country, especially Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), continues to face severe load shedding and load management challenges, hindering economic and industrial growth.

Both federal and provincial governments are under tremendous criticism over the country’s energy predicament. Earlier in May, under severe public pressure, KP’s Chief Minister took matters into his own hands by entering a power grid station in DI Khan and attempting to restore electricity for the area. Residents were protesting and complaining about daily load-shedding lasting up to 22 hours. Similar incidents were reported in other cities of the province, where political leaders entered WAPDA premises to restore electricity by force, making it impossible for officials to carry out their duties.

Fortunately, a resolution was reached, and it was decided that there would be fewer power cuts for KP. Additionally, outstanding issues such as settling debts and minimizing line losses would be addressed through mutual efforts.

KP is facing a severe shortfall of electricity. According to an official from the Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO), the power shortfall in KP has swelled to 1,138 megawatts. “Currently, KP’s total energy demand is 2,916 MW, while the supply is 1,778 MW, resulting in a shortfall of 1,138 MW.” Due to this shortfall, “the company carries out 16 hours of load shedding on feeders to improve power voltage and ensure a smooth supply of electricity to consumers.”

This situation raises many questions that must be answered: How did a country with the potential to produce 40,000 to 70,000 megawatts of hydropower end up in this crisis, that was producing cheap per capita hydropower until the 1970s? What is the political approach of various parties towards the country’s decade-old energy crisis? How effective is KP’s load management and electricity theft prevention been in recent years?

Pakistan had to adopt an imported fossil fuel-based energy policy in the 1990s due to the inability of successive regimes to unite all provinces on the development of new large hydropower projects despite rising energy demand. By the time consensus was finally achieved to develop large projects, the country had already plunged into a deep economic crisis, and the policy of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) investing in imported oil-based electricity projects continued.

In the 2010s, not only were previous agreements revised, but new IPPs also joined, and a disastrous policy of allowing IPPs to receive hefty capacity charges inSolar and Wind Energy in pakistan foreign currency was adopted. This policy requires a complete overhaul, and all agreements with IPPs need to be revised. In fact, hydro and nuclear should be prioritized as the primary means of producing electricity in Pakistan, with wind and solar as secondary legal sources.

Given the terms and conditions of these agreements, revising them seems challenging, but it is necessary. Otherwise, the energy sector’s circular debt, caused by these agreements, will sink the entire economy. Pakistani exporters are already facing tough competition in international markets due to high production costs.

Mere fulfillment of the required megawatts through expensive non-renewable resources like fossil fuels is not energy planning or energy security. This should be the biggest lesson learned over the last three decades. Hydro and nuclear energy options must be exploited to their maximum potential as they can guarantee cheaper electricity for people and industries. These options also ensure a complete return on investment (ROI).

Diamer Basha and Dasu should not be the only large dams in the country. WAPDA has completed feasibility studies on many more similar projects, which must be initiated as soon as the currently under-construction hydropower plants are completed. IPPs running on fossil fuels should be banned in the country. Fresh investment in the energy sector must be allowed only in hydro, solar, or wind power plants.

It is high time for the political leadership to sit together and contemplate these suggestions with urgency, as energy demand is rising with each passing day. Taking politically motivated popular steps will only usher in new perils for future generations and the state.

Afghan citizens at a border checkpoint with Pakistani security forces

Suspension of Repatriation of illegal Afghan Citizens: Implications for National Security

Suspension of Repatriation of illegal Afghan Citizens: Implications for National Security

Shahzad Masood Roomi

A statement from Prime Minister Office (PMO) was issued on 18th July 2024, Wednesday, saying that “The federal cabinet approved one-year extension of the validity of POR (Proof of Registration) cards of 1.45 million Afghan refugees. Their POR cards have been expired on June 30, 2024. The extension has been granted until June 30, 2025,”. Repatriation operation has been suspended for now.
To have the ability to monitor and track movement of all people within its borders is one of the fundamental statecrafts for any sovereign state. To be able to carry out this action states adopt various governance and administrative mechanism. Issuing national IDs, registration of families, and carrying out national senses are part of such mechanisms. Throughout history states have suffered detrimental consequences ignoring it, due to any reason. Pakistan’s internal security has been challenged since last more than two decades and illegal Afghan citizen who came here decades ago have proven a perfect cover for TTP terrorists to enter Pakistan. A new wave of terrorism hit the country in 2022 and it continues to amplify ever since.
In November 2023, after detailed deliberations, Pakistan initiated a widely criticized repatriation program aimed at returning millions of Afghans, regardless of their legal status. Following an aggressive timeline, Pakistan managed to successfully repatriate more than 635,000 illegal Afghan refugees in less than a year. Still there are millions staying in Pakistan, either with or without any identification documentation.
According to the official data, at present, Pakistan hosts approximately three million Afghan citizens, with close to 2.4 million possessing some form of legal documentation. Of these, almost 1.5 million hold a UNHCR Proof of Residence card, and another 800,000 possess an Afghan Citizenship Card (ACC). Pakistan has announced it will extend the registration cards of nearly 1.5 million Afghan refugees after a senior UN official urged the country to halt its deportation plan.
Pakistan took this latest decision of suspending repatriation operation on the request of Afghan government and UN officials. Afghan government certainly lacks the resources required to accommodate all these people coming back in such numbers. Instead of appreciating Pakistani gesture of extending the stay of Afghan citizens on Pakistani soil for another year, there has been a smear campaign against the state of Pakistan and its security institutions for initiating this expatriation process which was part of larger efforts by the state to control deteriorating internal security situation.
There has been a visible spike in propaganda against the state policy of Pakistan to expatriate illegal Afghan citizen to their home country after their prolonged illegal stay in Pakistan. Propagandists are declaring Pakistan’s repatriation decision as abuse of Afghan refugees which is absurd and something which completely defies the truth. Afghan interim government has mocked Pakistan many a times when issue of TTP was raised with Kabul declaring it Pakistan’s internal problem. Now when Pakistan has decided to resolve this issue of terrorism, a fresh wave of insulting remarks have been passed by senior Afghan leaders including their military commanders. The truth is, Afghan government is not able to cater its own citizens and this fact became visible when many illegal Afghan citizens when put in buses pleaded with security forces not to send them back to Afghanistan. Even today, in the three big hospitals of Peshawar, there are reportedly one Afghan citizen patient on every second bed. In the same way, Afghan refugees with proper documentation have been continuing their commercial and business activities. The government of Pakistan is still following the commitment that no one will be forcibly evicted until June 31, 2025 despite a clear majority of national security experts are advising for an immediate repatriation.

Part of propaganda against repatriation policy about illegal Afghan citizen in Pakistan stems from ongoing cyber terrorism by hostile forces. Taking cover of online anonymity, antagonistic trolls distort facts and present the state of Pakistan as inhumane. These cyber ops are part of larger psy-ops to persuade gullible young minds on linguistic and ethnic fault lines. Exploiting these fault lines are part of TTP’s recruitment process. In this process, these young minds are poisoned with hatred towards the state and other ethnic and linguistic groups which eventually leads to violent indoctrination turning the targeted souls into terrorists.

So, it is important to understand such issues in their correct context. To prevent hostile indoctrination, government must aggressively engage both electronic and social media to dispel the propaganda during the next one year. Current pause has been seen as sign of state’s weakness which is yet another disturbing fact. UNHCR and other agencies involved in this process must briefed about Pakistan’s security challenges and the role these illegal Afghan refugees play in these challenges. Pakistan must continue to expatriate all Afghan refugees and even POR cards must be declared invalid after a certain time and after that anyone coming into Pakistan from Torkham must contain a valid visa and Afghan ID issues by Kabul regime. Pakistan must act as normal state in this regard. No country allows entry on its soil without proper visa or permission and Pakistan can’t be an exception in this regard.

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Geopolitical Context of Pakistan's Internal Security Challenges

Geopolitical Context of Pakistan’s Internal Security Challenges

Geopolitical Context of Pakistan’s Internal Security Challenges

Shahzad Masood Roomi

Since the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, Pakistan has faced a steady increase in terrorism originating from across the border. In 2021, there were around 470 security-related incidents in Pakistan. This number grew to 715 in 2022 and surged to over 2,000 in 2023, with the trend continuing in 2024. In recent weeks, the Pakistan Army has lost officers and soldiers in ambushes, IED blasts, and firefights with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its splinter groups. Despite these challenges, security forces have continued to combat terrorism and have eliminated various high-profile terrorists.

The terrorism in Pakistan is largely linked to Afghanistan, where the interim Taliban government has failed to prevent the use of Afghan soil for terrorist activities in neighboring countries. The TTP has declared itself an extension of the Afghan Taliban, and Kabul has not denied this claim. Pakistan has repeatedly requested the Afghan government to control TTP’s activities and prevent their ingress into Pakistan. Unfortunately, Kabul has not only failed to act but has also denied the presence of TTP on its soil.

This situation raises serious questions about the nature of terrorism in Pakistan, the real motives of the TTP, and the strategic context of this phenomenon.

Pakistan’s potential as a regional geoeconomic integrator is being challenged by the TTP, which benefits regional players who do not want to see a peaceful and prosperous Pakistan. Heightened terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan began around the same time as Pakistan started discussing its potential as a bridge between India, Bangladesh, China, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and even Europe. The war in Afghanistan has played a significant role in this situation. India, a traditional foe, has seized this opportunity to target Balochistan and KP. KP is a strategic target because it offers the shortest path to the Gwadar port, which is a vital part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Pakistan’s intelligence and security forces have exposed India’s role in terrorism many times, presenting documented evidence. The arrest of Indian RAW agent Kulbhushan Jadhav in Balochistan was a significant success for Pakistan. Jadhav’s arrest and the revelation of India’s long-running media campaign against Pakistan on international forums highlight the extent of New Delhi’s efforts to undermine Pakistan and Chinese geo-economic interests. Pakistan has driven Indian-sponsored TTP and Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) elements into Afghanistan, from where they have initiated a new phase of terror in Pakistan. The question remains whether the dynamics behind this fresh wave of terrorism are the same or if new variables have entered the strategic equation of the region.

The Indian political elite’s strategic designs and the Indo-US strategic partnership agreements signed in recent decades are longstanding elements of India’s foreign policy towards Pakistan. The convergence of interests with Washington against China (and its strategic ally Pakistan) after the introduction of the Indo-Pacific Strategy in 2022 has given India new impetus to claim to be a Net Security Provider in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). Indian activities in Afghanistan have raised concerns in Pakistan, where the TTP’s terror campaign has intensified, targeting Pakistani and Chinese interests, such as the attack on Chinese engineers in Dasu. These developments present an alarming picture for Pakistan’s internal security in the coming months.

There is growing anxiety in Pakistan about this prolonged conflict, and some question when it will finally end. Several key points need to be understood:

History shows that foreign-sponsored insurgencies, masked as ethnic or linguistic rights movements, are the toughest to combat. In Pakistan’s case, the religious angle adds another layer of complexity, as many young people have fallen into the trap of terrorists.

Pakistan needs consistency in its policies. The first wave of TTP was successfully defeated by the Pakistan Army around 2017-18. However, the recent resurgence of TTP from Afghanistan began when the state changed its policy and allowed some of these elements to return under a peace deal. Recent TTP attacks have shown that they cannot be trusted.

All wars ultimately end through political negotiations. The TTP and Afghan Taliban are not just parties to this conflict; they are instruments of chaos and violence aimed at undermining Pakistan’s potential. The Afghan Taliban support the Indian-sponsored TTP to gain diplomatic recognition from New Delhi.

Pakistan needs a broader regional approach, in collaboration with China, to pressure the Afghan Taliban into fulfilling their international commitments, as the terrorism has strong regional geopolitical linkages.

A peaceful KP means a peaceful and prosperous Pakistan. Achieving peace in KP is a strategic imperative that must be pursued at all costs. This can be accomplished through a whole-of-nation approach as outlined in the National Action Plan of 2014 and reiterated in Operation Azm-e-Istehkam. May Allah guide and protect us. Ameen.

Read this also: Pak Security Forces’ operational successes against terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Apex Committee Pakistan Operation Azme Istehkam

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam
Shahzad Masood Roomi
In a pivotal National Action Plan Apex Committee session held on June 22, 2024, Pakistan took a resolute step forward by discarding the divisive notion of “good” and “bad” Taliban, marking a significant shift towards comprehensive counterterrorism measures. Under the banner of “Azam-e-Istehkam,” the government declared an unwavering commitment to eradicating terrorism from its roots.
Led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the committee underscored the urgency of decisive action across all troubled regions of the nation. From Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to Balochistan, and beyond borders, every minute will be dedicated to eliminating terrorists and their supporters. This commitment was echoed by Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, who unequivocally stated that any distinction between Taliban factions exists only in history books.
However, this is not the first time a national-level effort has been launched to eradicate the menace of local and cross-border terrorism from Afghanistan. Naturally, one might ask how this operation will differ from those launched before it. The answer lies in the details issued by the Prime Minister’s Office in Islamabad to the media.
According to the press release by the PMO, Azm-e-Istehkam is not merely a military operation but a comprehensive national approach, as envisaged in the National Action Plan after the dreadful incident at APS Peshawar in 2014. The first departure from traditional military-led kinetic operations is the emphasis on strengthening legal frameworks to ensure swift and exemplary punishment for terrorists. The announcement also highlighted simplifying procedures to expedite justice and establishing a robust, coordinated mechanism to combat terrorism comprehensively. These are promising steps and, if implemented in letter and spirit, can bring a visible change in the country’s internal security situation. However, this also poses a significant test for the country’s political leadership to implement this legal agenda on a war footing.
It is commendable how the Prime Minister stressed the indispensable role of a strong judiciary in this fight, asserting that the judiciary’s effectiveness is pivotal to the nation’s ability to combat terrorism effectively. Throughout Pakistan’s war against terrorism, a weak judicial system has remained its Achilles Heel. Despite multiple amendments, there are many legal loopholes in the prevailing judicial framework that allow terrorists or their sympathizers to escape punishment. Hopefully, now all these weaknesses will be addressed, and Pakistan will have a strong legal code to deter terrorism and extremism. Another feature of this operation is the recognition of the intertwined nature of crimes like drug trafficking, religious extremism, terrorism, and street crime. Hence, emphasis will be placed on better inter-provincial coordination to ensure criminals cannot escape punishment by simply changing their location from one province to another. Such coordination was lacking in many previous efforts.
Pakistan’s military command has fully endorsed the government’s initiative of Azm-e-Istehkam. The resolve exhibited by leaders like Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir and other key stakeholders reaffirms a united front against terrorism. They reiterated that this battle transcends mere military operations—it demands a cohesive national effort.
The announcement of this operation also depicts a growing realization in Islamabad about the importance of peace and security for attracting much-needed investment, which is vital for Pakistan’s strategic economic interests.
The inclusion of diplomatic efforts in this initiative is another welcome addition. So far, Pakistan has suffered diplomatically due to inconsistent behavior in this domain. Despite being a victim of foreign-sponsored terrorism, Pakistan has failed to proactively present its case on international forums, while hostile entities in the region have successfully painted a bleak picture of Pakistan on internal security matters. Merely sending dossiers to the UN and influential capitals is not enough; instead, Pakistan needs a dedicated, consistent, and aggressive diplomatic effort to present its case. Against this backdrop, a renewed emphasis on linking diplomatic efforts with kinetic actions and legal reforms is a promising step forward in the country’s war against terrorism.
In conclusion, the state underscored the imperative of unity and proactive measures across all sectors of governance. As the nation embarks on this journey, it must uphold these commitments with unwavering dedication and vigilance for its people’s safety and future prosperity. The biggest responsibility lies on the shoulders of the federal government and judiciary, as the Pakistani military has been conducting operations daily already. Their sacrifices and efforts have been undermined by a weak judicial framework against terrorism. Insha’Allah, with Azm-e-Istehkam, not only will these weaknesses be addressed, but the motherland will enter a new era of prosperity, peace, and progress.

Security Forces' operational successes against terrorism

Pak Security Forces’ operational successes against terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Pakistani Security Forces’ operational successes against terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Shahzad Masood Roomi

At state level, a war is planned at four different tiers where critical decision making, in-depth analysis of these decisions and adjustments are made based on outcome of previous decisions. These are Grand Strategic, Strategic, Operational and Tactical tiers. Grand Strategic level is concerned with political leadership of a country which decides when to fight a war, if the state is initiating it. Strategic tier of decision making involves political and military leadership both where a strategic line of action is adopted. This becomes the primary tier of decision making if the state is attacked by the enemy. Last two tiers, operational and tactical belong purely to military domain. Operational commanders and unit commanders, in specific areas, are responsible for meeting operational and tactical objectives given to them. The outcome of their operations dictates the course of the entire war.

Juxtaposing Pakistan’s war on this categorization reveals astonishing accomplishments of Pakistan Army at strategic, operational, and tactical levels. Before going into details of operational successes of Pakistan army during the War on Terror, it would be prudent to understand that traditionally Pakistan army was raised and trained to fight against arch rival India in conventional warfare domain. Post 9/11 circumstances pushed Pakistan into the eye of geopolitical storm where threats of sub-conventional natures in the form of religiously motivated, well trained and equipped insurgent and terrorists group emerged at an exponential pace. They challenged the writ of the state, especially, in areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) which previously were known as FATA.

On the onset of this war, it had remained an excruciatingly prolonged period for the entire nation and its security forces. But as the time passed, Pakistan Army developed new and novel operational plans and tactical strategies to deal with this new kind of enemy in a war where the line between enemy combatant and own people were virtually removed. TTP’s local terrorist infrastructure was completely destroyed by the end of 2017 due to which large scale terrorism in Pakistan declined sharply. This success came at a tremendous human and financial cost as Pakistan Army had to adopt for this new role in an unseen territory along the Pak-Afghan border.

2021 was a watershed year in global war on terror when the US unilaterally announced to withdrew from Afghanistan leaving behind unconcluded War on Terror, insurgency and a country without any form of government. In order to get a safe exit, a peace deal was signed with Afghan Taliban. When Taliban took over Afghanistan, they needed manpower that can control the entire swathe of Afghanistan. This new need and ethnic ties helped TTP fighters who were on the run become new foot soldiers of Afghan Taliban. Soon after ceasing control of Afghanistan, this new Afghan govt began to retreat from their promises of not allowing Afghan soil to be used against any neighboring country. By 2022, TTP was back in KP as there was practically no check on these terrorists from Afghan side which previously were manned by either Afghan National Army or NATO troops. With TTP’s return, terrorism surged in Pakistan after many years and 2023 proved to be a challenging year for the state.

This time, TTP was even more equipped due to backing of Afghan government and weapons left behind by the US. Pakistan Army witnessed worst ambush and IED attacks in years. Situation was analyzed at strategic level by political and military leadership of KP. On September 27th 2023, COAS stressed the need to synergize the efforts to bring peace and stability in KP while participating in KP Apex Committee meeting in Peshawar. Pakistan Army extended its already ongoing training program for KP police to enhance its abilities to fight modern terrorists and insurgents in the province. By November 2023, about 23,792 police officials were provided professional training in five different phases by the renowned instructors of Pakistan Army. Besides, over 600 police officials have been provided with SSG specialized training, 300 officials master training and 34 officials IED’s defusing training. This way Pakistan Army not only adopted new methods and operational approach but also helped KP police to achieve the same by providing them training for handling advanced weapons, communication gears, and tools to diffuse explosives. These efforts by Pakistan Army are in line with the vision of COAS about synergizing efforts against terrorists.
On the tactical level, Pakistan Army has matured its drone warfare as well and is using emerging new age technologies like UCAVs, AI, and Net-centric warfare to thwart terrorists’ attacks in KP. During the recent months, Pakistan Army used its homegrown quadcopter-based UCAV system against terrorists who were trying to infiltrate Pak-Afghan border. Similarly, new night vision cameras and motion detection sensors are being installed on check posts at important locations and these actions are paying dividend by saving lives of Pakistan Army troops.
According to ISPR, in 2023, at least 566 terrorists were neutralized during 18,736 intelligence-based operations (IBOs) executed by security forces across the country. Most importantly, these IBOs also resulted in the arrest of 5,161 terrorists. The evidence of recent terrorist incidents was traced back to sanctuaries in Afghanistan where TTP and Afghan Taliban government both acting as hostile forces towards Pakistan particularly during the recent month. The sheer number of IBOs during the last year highlights the operational readiness of security forces. Another important feature of these IBO is the fact that maximum number of terrorists (447) were eliminated in KP in 1,942 IBOs while 206 sons of soil gave ultimate sacrifice for the peace and stability in the motherland. Nation salutes to these brave hearts and will remain indebted to them forever. The immediate impact of these operations is a clear decline in security related incidents during the first 4 months of 2024.

Pakistan Army is fighting this war with blood and sweat in an effort to create space for political leadership to provide much needed socio-economic relief in KP. The menace of foreign funded and aided terrorism can be fought only through a whole of the nation efforts so that the operational brilliance of Pakistan’s security forces can be translated into strategic gain for the KP and Pakistan. The time is not far when Pakistan will achieve this dream of lasting peace and stability in the country. Insha Allah.

Pakistan security forces, operational successes, terrorism, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, KP, TTP, War on Terror, COAS, drone warfare, intelligence-based operations, ISPR, Afghan Taliban, KP police training

TTP's Deceptive Agenda Exposed!

TTP’s Deceptive Agenda Exposed!

Pakistan’s battle against foreign-funded terrorists in KP and Baluchistan persisted throughout 2023. Hundreds of brave sons of the soil made the ultimate sacrifices in the line of duty, defending the motherland from enemy’s nefarious designs. With the help of the Pakistani people, LEAs successfully quelled terrorism crisis in 2014 forcing TTP leadership to flee and seek refuge in Afghanistan. They exposed themselves in the process, even if they were able to save their lives there. Today, TTP’s main bastion is in Afghanistan using that soil against Pakistan which is the key reason of rift between two brotherly Islamic nations who also share strong historic and cultural bonds. Afghanistan is not being used as sanctuary by TTP, it also uses the same for recruitment while exploiting vulnerabilities, distorting religious ideology, and capitalizing on social and geopolitical tensions.  In Afghanistan, TTP’s manipulations and duplicity became more evident when they started targeting and enticing impoverished Afghan nationals for what they claim to be Jehad in Afghanistan, blatantly disregarding the fatwas of eminent Islamic scholars from all religious sects. By doing this, TTP commanders are trying to achieve two goals: first, they are using religious manipulation to recruit fighters from Afghanistan for terrorism in Pakistan; second, they are stoking tensions between IEA and Pakistan in order to further their evil plans. They would have enough room to operate safely from Afghanistan thanks to the divide and mistrust between the two states.

The recent reconciliation efforts were also manipulated by TTP commanders for expanding their presence in Pakistan while disguising themselves as part of the process. As a strategy, TTP leaders are abusing innocent people through intimidation, fear mongering, pressure, and religious manipulation tactics. They lack a genuine understanding of Pakistan’s religious, ethical, moral, or cultural values. This explains why they go on murdering sprees across the nation through acts like suicide bombings. By doing such horrible acts, they hope to terrorize the populace into accepting their violent, perverted, and un-Islamic worldview. However, the people of Pakistan are aware of the TTP’s self-serving intentions and their violent and “Fasadi” Agenda, which is why, in spite of numerous horrific incidents, they have been utterly unsuccessful in disguising their political objectives under their shallow Islamic slogans.

The TTP leadership is nothing more than a group of cunning, opportunistic, cowardly, and dishonest manipulators when we look at their actions. These characteristics are used by them to manipulate and employ innocent individuals and foot soldiers in Pakistan as pawns in their evil schemes. Any Pakistani who defends the nation’s customs, laws, and principles is viewed by them as a heretic (Kafir) who should be executed.

While its foot soldiers are engaged in a pointless conflict in Pakistan, the whole leadership including Mufti Noor Wali (MNW) is stationed in Afghanistan.

Within the TTP, infighting for the sake of power and influence is also frequent. JuA and TTP’s continuous media battle provides ample evidence for this claim. This is not the first instance, a great deal of blood was shed by foot soldiers and fighters, and the TTP split apart into numerous splinter cells, each with their own goals and engaging in turf wars with other cells. This demonstrates that the TTP is nothing more than hired guns, willing to use perverted religious doctrine to sow chaos in order to further their own agenda.

The primary evidence supporting TTP’s dualism is the lack of any observable leaders in suicide attacks, nor their relatives. The leaders themselves, as well as their relatives, are never involved in active warfare or suicide assaults; only the poor, innocent, and frequently dumb people are brainwashed into suicide attacks.

If we look back in history, the TTP’s emergence in Pakistan in 2007 was akin to the resuscitation of Khawarij, a devious violent ideology that kept emerging time to time throughout Islamic history. This ideology originated during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is historically founded on a violent misreading of Islamic scripture. It persisted occasionally with the only goal of employing a perverted understanding of the Quran to label other Muslims as non-Muslims—a practice known as Takfir. Their main objective has always been to acquire authority and power through coercive measures using Islamic slogans.

The people of Afghanistan and the leadership of the IEA must grasp the stark reality and nefarious intentions of the TTP, which manipulates them to advance its own agendas under the pretense of religion. TTP, a deceitful, brutal, and traitorous terrorist organization, bears no affiliation with Islam, which inherently embodies the principle of peace.

Pakistan Army Striving Beyond the Line of Duty in KP

Pakistan Army Striving Beyond the Line of Duty in KP

Shahzad Masood Roomi

Pakistan has successfully transited through general election process without any security issue despite heightened threat matrix particularly in KP. Terrorists had threatened the peace and stability in the province days before election day. Professionalism of Pakistan Army and other law enforcement agencies under the visionary leadership of COAS Gen Asim Munir ensured complete safety of hundreds of millions of Pakistani who came out to participate their democratic right. Pakistan Army maintained complete vigilance across the country before polling day and quietly prevented many threats by preventing free movement of miscreants.

Effective border management by Pakistan Army and inter agency coordination with sister forces made peaceful elections possible. It also exhibits a strong and courageous character of Pakistanis as nation who completely rejected the narrative of hatred, divide and terror spread by anti-state forces both from within and abroad.

Pakistan Army is the guardian of motherland and ensuring internal and external security is their prime responsibility but in nation building, Pakistan Army always goes beyond the line of duty to ease out lives of common Pakistanis. Recently many such incidents came to the fore where the role of Pakistan Army as social enabler was noticed.

Helping affected individuals and families of landmines, laid by terrorists, is one such example where Pakistan Army with collaboration of FATA Displaced Welfare Organization (FDWO) has been actively involved in rehabilitation efforts of landmine victims. More than 1000 families are being catered for under this collaboration. In this connection, a ceremony was held in Peshawar where more than 50 individuals affected by landmines including 10 women were honored for their resilience and strength. Corps Commander Peshawar Lt Gen Hasan Azhar Hayat was chief guest in this event. He distributed financial aid in the form of cash and laptops to the victims, showcasing the collaborative efforts of the military and civil society in addressing the needs of those affected. Efforts and cooperation of Pakistan Army was highly praised and appreciated by the participants.

Apart from financial help, Pakistan Army is also helping FDWO to procure bionic arms and legs for landmine victims so that their quality of lives can be improved. Pakistan Army medical corps specialists are providing training to victims to use these artificial arms and legs. Regular eye camps, medical camps and disaster relief programs in remote areas in KP and Baluchistan are also part of Pakistan Army’s efforts to serve the nation.

Art and culture plays a key role in promoting soft image and cultural prowess of the country. Here too, Pakistan Army, is making significant contributions in KP. Recently, Commander Pakistan Army Striving Beyond the Line of Duty in KPPakistan Army’s XI corps, has initiated multiple projects in order to preserve rich heritage of the Peshawar city and to promote local telent in arts and crafts. To this end, a project for rejuvenation to re-do historic Qisa Khawani Bazar has been initiated. Similar efforts of beautification and renovation work are being made in business hub known as ‘Saddar bazaar’ and Peshawar cantonment. These work started in November 2023.

“The city where there was an atmosphere of bomb blast and fear a few years ago, now there is prosperity and development will take place without any hindrance.” These were the remarks of Commander XI Corps when he initiated this beautification drive.

Pakistan Army is well aware of tourism potential of KP and is also cognizant about the need of revival of communicationPakistan Army Striving Beyond the Line of Duty in KP facilities in the province to boast tourism industry. To contribute in provincial toruism, Pakistan Army with collaboration of Pakistan Railways and Frontier Corps North, has initiated a plan to revive the historic Mardan – Takht Bhai Railway track to exploit tourism potential of Takht Bhai. Similar plan is under consideration for Peshawar – Landi kotal portion as well. Much needed railway connectivity to these historical sites will surely attract domestic as well as International tourists to KP.

The biggest outcome of Pakistan Army’s continued efforts in KP and NMDs have emerged in growing national cohesion across all factions of society. Despite heated debates, the peaceful process of election is a pleasant reminder of how Pakistan sets itself apart from India by refusing to support extremist groups. The Pakistani electorates have clearly rejected radical religious & ethnic groups, demonstrating that such polarizing narratives are irrelevant in the nation’s democratic environment. Ethnic nationalist, religious card no more works. This is going to have lasting positive impact on national unity and it all began with Pakistan Army’s efforts to confront all anti-state and anti-society elements 2 decades ago who remains ever ready, always vigilant and committed to go extra mile in service of nation. The efforts of Pakistan Army in KP and NDM towards peace and stability, nation building and socioeconomic uplifting must be highlighted with gratitude as these efforts have become text book examples for many countries.

Digital Battlegrounds: Unveiling the Nexus of Social Media, AI, and Modern Warfare

Digital Battlegrounds: Unveiling the Nexus of Social Media, AI, and Modern Warfare

“Truth is the first casualty in war” – Aeschylus

Pakistan has been entrenched in a state of conflict for the last two decades. Following 9/11, a cascade of geopolitical events plunged Pakistan into a vicious cycle of violence and instability. Apart from religiously motivated TTP, some sleeping sidewinders were also resurrected from hibernation like ethno-linguistic led insurgency in Baluchistan, a province that was otherwise quiet on internal security axis since 1970s.  Beyond conventional methods of violence, these organizations have developed sophistication in the tactics of propaganda and misinformation. Social media and other emerging technologies played a crucial role in supporting their psychological operations (Psy-ops) capabilities against the security forces of Pakistan.

It is no secret that social media has become a powerful weapon of warfare in the 21st century. Along with revolutionizing the sources of communication, entertainment and information, social media become tools for manipulation, subversion and deception. This is exactly how religiously and politically extremist organizations have been deploying it. As a tactic of modern warfare; political actors, both state and non-state, use social media for polarization and propaganda campaigns to shape public opinion in their favour and to undermine democracy and human rights.

Hostile intelligence agencies are also actively engaged in this contemporary warfare against Pakistan.  This phenomenon became apparent during recent years when it was revealed that India has established various fake news outlets worldwide and used them to malign Pakistan. These outlets generated tons of propaganda material for online consumption mostly targeting Pakistani masses particularly the young minds through social media.

In warfare and statecraft, propaganda is not a new phenomenon, but social media and now artificial intelligence have propelled it to an unprecedented level of sophistication and scale. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), propaganda can be generated, distributed and tailored to specific audiences and contexts, with minimal human intervention and oversight. AI can also be used to create fake or manipulated content, such as videos, images and texts, that are indistinguishable from reality. These techniques are known as generative AI or deep fakes. These are not assumptions only, there has been cases of this growing trend of using AI along with social media by various actors in different parts of the world.

Some examples of how social media and AI are used for propaganda warfare are:

– In 2023, Venezuelan state media outlets used Synthesia, a company that produces custom deepfakes, to create AI-generated videos of news anchors from a non-existent international English-language channel, spreading pro-government messages.

– In the United States, AI-manipulated videos and images of political leaders circulated on social media, depicting President Biden making transphobic comments and Donald Trump hugging Anthony Fauci.

– In 2023, the U.S. government waged psychological warfare on the nation by adopting fake social media identities and AI-created profile pictures to target and capture potential suspects.

– In 2023, Ukraine became a living lab for AI warfare, as Russian-backed separatists used AI to generate disinformation and propaganda on social media platforms, targeting Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

– In 2023, ISIS used AI to boost its online recruitment efforts, creating personalized messages and content for potential sympathizers and recruits.

These examples show how social media and AI are reshaping propaganda and disinformation operations in modern warfare. They pose serious challenges to democracy, security and human rights. They also raise ethical and legal questions about the responsibility and accountability of the actors involved, as well as the regulation and verification of online content.

In Pakistan’s context, evidences of extensive use of AI by anti-state organizations are not available, so far, however social media platforms now began offering AI enabled tools. And it is only a matter of time when we will witness manifold increase in anti-state propaganda both in terms of frequency and sophistication. Pakistani state needs counter measures in advance and the nation needs to be aware of this new era of falsehood.

To counter these threats, government, civil society and the private sector should start working together to develop effective strategies and solutions. Some possible measures are:

– Enhancing digital literacy and critical thinking skills among the public, especially the youth, to help them identify and resist propaganda and disinformation.

– Pakistan must raise voice on diplomatic channels for transparency and accountability of social media platforms and AI developers, by requiring them to disclose their sources, methods and algorithms, as well as to monitor and flag harmful or misleading content.

– Developing technical tools and standards for detecting and verifying online content, such as digital watermarks, blockchain-based authentication and independent fact-checking organizations. Government must encourage and support private sector to invest and introduce new social media platforms with infrastructure within Pakistan.

– Pakistan’s foreign policy must strive for strengthening international cooperation and dialogue among stakeholders, by sharing best practices, exchanging information and building trust. China can help Pakistan in this area.

Social media and AI have transformed the nature of modern warfare. They have also created new opportunities for dialogue, participation and empowerment. It is up to us to use them wisely and responsibly.

TTP’s Deception Stands Exposed!

TTP’s Deception Stands Exposed!

Shahzad Masood Roomi

Pakistan’s war against foreign funded terrorists’ origin in Baluchistan and KP continued throughout 2023 as well. Hundreds of sons of soil made ultimate sacrifices in the line of duty to keep the motherland safe from enemy’s nefarious designs. With the help of the Pakistani people, Pakistan LEAs were able to end the terrorist crisis in their country in 2014, and their leadership departed for Afghanistan. They exposed themselves in the process, even if they were able to save their lives there. The following information corroborates this claim. Today, TTP’s main bastion is in Afghanistan right now and it has become harbinger of rift between two brotherly nations who shared strong historic cultural bonds.

As a strategy, TTP leaders are abusing innocent people by intimidation, fear mongering, pressure, and religious manipulation. They have no understanding of Pakistan’s religious, ethical, moral, or cultural values. This explains why they go on murdering sprees across the nation through acts like suicide bombings. By doing such horrible acts, they hope to terrorize the populace into accepting their violent, perverted, and un-Islamic worldview. However, the people of Pakistan are aware of the TTP’s self-serving intentions and their “Fasadi Agenda,” which is why, in spite of numerous horrific incidents, they have been utterly unsuccessful in disguising their political objectives under their shallow Islamic slogans.

The TTP leadership is nothing more than a group of cunning, opportunistic, cowardly, and dishonest manipulators when we look at their actions. These characteristics are used by them to manipulate and employ innocent individuals and foot soldiers in Pakistan as pawns in their evil schemes. Any Pakistani who defends the nation’s customs, laws, and principles is viewed by them as a heretic (Kafir) who should be executed.

TTP commanders are dishonest because, despite promoting their purportedly holy cause, they never take the initiative to command their warriors. While its warriors are engaged in a pointless conflict in Pakistan, the whole leadership—including that of MNW, Mangal Bagh, Muhammad Khorasani, Faqeer Muhammad, and others—is stationed in Afghanistan.

Their cushy life in Afghanistan has made them opportunistic and crafty, while the foot soldiers have been left to face the difficult, unfriendly, and intimidating conditions in Pakistan, where the LEAs eventually remove these terrorists. This is further supported by the recent reconciliation effort with the GoP, in which TTP commanders showed their opportunism by expanding their presence in Pakistan while disguising themselves as part of the process.

The cowardice exhibited by TTP leaders is apparent in their unwillingness to lead the alleged Jehad in Pakistan, as seen by their recent executions.

Their manipulations and duplicity are evident when they target and entice impoverished Afghan nationals for what they claim to be Jehad in Afghanistan, blatantly disregarding the fatwas of eminent Islamic scholars from all religious sects. By doing this, TTP commanders are trying to achieve two goals: first, they are using religious manipulation to recruit fighters from Afghanistan for terrorism in Pakistan; second, they are stoking tensions between IEA and Pakistan in order to further their evil plans. They would have enough room to operate safely from Afghanistan thanks to the divide and mistrust between the two states. TTP knows full well that if both nations.
The TTP is well aware that their days are limited if both nations band together to fight this threat. Their act of betrayal and dishonesty is to instill mistrust in order to prevent such a situation.

Within the TTP, infighting for the sake of power and influence is also frequent. JuA and TTP’s continuous media battle provides ample evidence for this claim. This is not the first instance that it has occurred. A great deal of blood was shed by foot soldiers and fighters, and the TTP split apart into numerous splinter cells, each with their own goal and engaging in turf wars with other cells. This demonstrates that the TTP is nothing more than hired guns, willing to use perverted religious doctrine to sow chaos in order to further their own agenda.

The primary evidence supporting TTP’s dualism is the lack of any observable leaders in suicide attacks, nor their relatives. The leaders themselves, as well as their relatives, are never involved active warfare or suicide assaults; only the poor, innocent, and frequently dumb people are brainwashed into suicide attacks.

If we look back in history, The TTP’s emergence in Pakistan in 2007 was akin to the resuscitation of Khawarij, a devious violent ideology that kept emerging time to time throughout Islamic history. This ideology originated during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is historically founded on a violent misreading of Islamic scripture. It persisted occasionally, and their sole goal has been to employ a perverted understanding of the Quran to label other Muslims as non-Muslims—a practice known as Takfir. Their main objective has always been to acquire authority and power through coercive measures using Islamic slogans.

The people of Afghanistan and the leadership of the IEA must comprehend the terrible reality and intentions of the TTP, which is using them to further its own agendas under the guise of religion. TTP is devious, cruel and treacherous terrorist outfit which has nothing to do with our great religion Islam which literally means “Peace”.

Education's Strong Role in Countering Radicalization

Education’s Strong Role in Countering Radicalization

Shahzad Masood Roomi
Religious, ethnic and linguistic radicalization is a growing challenge in many third-world countries, and Pakistan is no exception to this. When in a society, such radicalization meets with socio-economic degradation, the result always is a national catastrophe. This is exactly what has transpired in Pakistan in the last 2 decades. Existing fault lines on sectarian, ethnic and linguistic lines were triggered by anti-state hostile forces taking advantage of poor socio-economic profile. Young minds in KP and Baluchistan have been the main victims of religious and ethnic radicalization.
Poverty, lack of quality education, and a weaker sense of ownership of the state acted as catalysts providing a conducive environment for hostile forces to cultivate the next wave of foot Religious, ethnic and linguistic radicalization is a growing challenge in many third-world countries, and Pakistan is no exception to thissoldiers through radicalization. One of the root causes of radicalization in Pakistan is the inadequate investment and focus on the education system. Even after 76 years of independence, Pakistan’s total federal-level spending on education is below 2% of GDP. The situation in smaller provinces like KP is even more deplorable. According to international standards set by the UN, minimum allocation for education must be equal to 4% of GDP.
Consequently, the education system across Pakistan has failed to tackle extremism tendencies among youth and promote pluralism and diversity in society which allowed the radicalization to grow on all axes; religious, ethnic and linguistic.
Despite all these challenges, the Pakistan Army has undertaken a tireless effort in its war against radicalization through education. Pakistan Army restored the destroyed educational infrastructure in KP and in Newly Merged Districts (NMDs). Its work is even more commendable as not only it builds new education infrastructure but also specifically runs anti-radicalization programs for captured militants. The services of professional psychiatrists were sought in this regard. After initial de-radicalization phase, these young minds were equipped with vocational training where they were taught various Religious, ethnic and linguistic radicalization is a growing challenge in many third-world countries, and Pakistan is no exception to thispractical skills so that they could contribute towards a peaceful society and earn for their families as well. It is a noteworthy fact that these efforts of Pakistan Army, along with civilian institutions, were going on in parallel with its anti-terrorist campaign across the country.
Despite these efforts, there are structural issues with the education system in Pakistan which need to be sorted out as quickly as possible by the elected government as it will require a multi-department effort.
The most prominent issue is parallel education systems. Many schools in the country are madrasas that offer only Islamic education. Such institutions, at times, propagate extremist ideologies that sow the seeds of radicalization in the minds of young students. Moreover, the public education system is marred by a lack of resources, poor infrastructure and low-quality education.
Apart from additional investment in education at higher secondary, secondary and primary levels, it is essential to have a pool of professional trainers for the teachers. Universities are also among places from where political violent ideologies and ethnic radicalization take place. Promoting interfaith and inter-ethnic dialogue is the need of the hour. Discipline is an obvious imperative but at the same time, students must be provided platforms to express their views and emotion on important developments and events in the country.
Poverty, unemployment, and social inequalities serve as catalysts in fueling extremist tendencies and a radical mindset. While education alone cannot fully address this complex problem, it can play a crucial role in empowering individuals and communities to confront the root causes of radicalization. The real difference will be made by social justice and economic prosperity. To this end, the government must create a political consensus for long-term economic development and socioeconomic uplift programs.
Another critical aspect missing in Pakistan’s educational system is its irrelevance to emerging marketplaces. The focus must be put on creating a strong vocational education system that can put less privileged youth on jobs at a quick time before their minds can be captured and radicalized. This was the vision behind the Pakistan Army’s drive for vocational training programs for young minds in NMDs of KP. Such programs must be spread across the country. Not only it will help in creating economic opportunities for youth it will also play a critical role in creating a sense of ownership in their mind for the country.
One major aspect of countering radicalization through education is promoting media literacy and digital citizenship. In today’s interconnected world, young people are exposed to a wide range of online content that may contain extremist messages or hate speech. Therefore, it is crucial to educate them on how to critically evaluate sources of information, verify facts, and engage in respectful online discourse. This can be done through school curricula, community outreach programs, and public awareness campaigns. But for all this to take place, first government must take political ownership of this drive.
Furthermore, overcoming the resistance to societal changes through education, like gender equality, from conservative religious groups, is critical. These groups oppose any changes in social order as they perceive modern education as Western or secular. To address this challenge, the federal government needs to engage in a national dialogue on the role of education in shaping its future identity and aspirations. This dialogue should involve representatives from all sectors of society, including religious leaders, civil society organizations, youth, women, business associations, and academia.
Finally, it must be understood that any durable change in a social order affected by religious, ethnic and linguistic radical ideologies is a time-consuming process. There is no quick fix hence such an enterprise would require a very long-term political commitment and ownership from federal government and provincial governments. Only education can solve Pakistan’s current and future problems as an illiterate and radicalized society is a threat both to the world and to itself!