Imran Khan, a renowned cricketer who won the only Cricket World Cup for Pakistan in 1992 and an intellectual politician with 22 years of struggle. His social and charitable work as his major accolades and milestones since appointed his office as the Prime Minister of Pakistan after winning the elections with a two-third majority and his party Pakistan Tehreek-Insaaf have encountered several ups and downs in these 2 years tenure. A slogan of Naya Pakistan can be clearly seen in many policies adapted by the PTI government but there are still many challenges that require fulfilment.
In my opinion PM Khan’s government has not performed bad since joining office and I strongly believe a government with 70 years of trash from former government, definitely needs to complete its 5 years tenure and have ample amount of time to bring in sweeping reforms and make the necessary changes that were never done in the past. One of the biggest challenges currently faced by the PTI government is economic instability, inflation, hoarding, loan repayments, circular debts, opposition hate speeches and a strong fight against mafia and corruption. The previous governments enjoyed their tenures multiple times, but Pakistan faced downfall and our economy worsened. When these governments with multiple tenures were unable to fix Pakistan, how can we expect a government with first time in power and that too with so many challenges to fix in just 2 years of time frame.
The people of Pakistan demand to see performance but performance can only be seen once all these issues and challenges are sorted and then when the government itself is unable to manage so much trash it will be unjust to expect so much from them in just 2 years.
Some of the good initiatives and reforms brought in by the Khan government are as follows:
PTI government in their 22 months of tenure so far returned 5000 (Arab) rupees of loans, there were no loans taken from the State bank of Pakistan, more than 200 shelter homes (Panahgahs) were built all across Pakistan, where all the homeless and needy people are given properly equipped hygienic shelter and food. Furthermore, in order to convert the PM house to a University, a budget of 200 (Arab) rupees is allocated by PM Khan, an excellent foreign policy is put in place by PTI government to take down a penalty of 1.2 crore USD, the construction and operation of Kartarpur corridor just in a matter of few months was an exceptional move by PTI government that was praised by the world, undermining India and showcasing Pakistan’s open heartedness and positive image to the minorities and Indian Sikhs, the plantation of 1000 trees was praised by the world economic forum and was applauded across the world for Pakistan’s initiative for green environment and now many 1st world developed countries are copying the same project taken up by PM Khan, a health Insurance coverage of 1 million Sehat Sahulat Card was distributed among the citizens of KPK that will cover for 1 family, 150 (Arab) rupees were distributed among the poor and low income citizens under the Ehsaas Cash Program which was praised around the world. A British newspaper quoted Pakistan as a Welfare State considering Ehsaas Program as one of the best of its kind in such a country, the construction and fund generation for Dams is already put into place, though it will be completed after PTI’s tenure completion but it definitely needs to be credited to the PTI government, during the Covid-19 crisis it is the first time ever that a Pakistani government has taken up the responsibility to pay off all the utility bills including Electricity and Gas of the small businesses, the current account deficit was minimized from a whopping 20 (Arab) rupees to just 3 (Arab) rupees and in just a matter of 22 months tenure of PTI government, State bank reserves have constantly risen from 9.7 (Arab) USD to 12.3 (Arab) USD.
All the list of these excellent steps was taken in just 22 months and PTI still has a long way to go to complete its tenure of 5 years.
Though there have been constant backlashes and criticism by the opposition and some groups and at times the opposition tried hard to bring down the PTI government but that was still managed by PM Khan. PM Khan comfortably challenged the status quo and is fighting a long and hard battle of corruption, challenging the sugar mafia, petroleum mafia and trying best to break the ice that was set since ages. PTI government first time in history is able to publicize the reports and JIT’s on several cases like sugar hoarding case which even got hold of its own party members and also PIA crash report. PM Khan confidently shuffled its members and ministries with bold move which was never done in the past.
PTI government under PM Khan is going towards the right direction, it may not be as fast as it should be but gradually and surely in the best motive of the country. I strongly agree that PM Khan alone cannot fight like a lone warrior when many members within his own party are not capable and at the same time not willing to get along the boat but I have my full trust in PM Khan, no matter what happens, the courage, ambition, positivity and efforts put in by PM Khan and PTI government will surely lead to Pakistan’s path to glory and success in days to come.