Voice of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to utilize time at home due to coronavirus?

Coronavirus is spreading rapidly all across the globe and has a greater effect on mental health as well as physical. Almost 140 countries have been affected by a coronavirus. More than 6000 people have died due to covid19. The center of this virus was Wuhan but Chinese authorities have turned the tide against corona as this is successive 3rd day that no new case has emerged in China. Pakistan is also affected by covid19 and is currently in a state of partial lockdown while few hotpots are completely locked down. Pakistan Government has urged all to observe self-isolation and try not to come out of homes to control the spread of virus. The most important question for the parents and education institutes right now is how to keep young ones engaged to motivate them staying indoor and also avoid wasting their time?
Here are few suggestions on how to utilize this time instead of wasting it and getting worried:
1. Online Classes:
Online classes have been introduced in most of the Schools and Colleges with an initiative to facilitate students, it will help students to remain in touch with their teachers and continue the learning curve without a long pause. Students can also join online courses related to other activities of their interest on Websites like Courser, Future learn etc. The organizational employees can perform their work online while at home to keep organizations in functioning state.
2. Reading books:
Reading books can increase the imagination power and curiosity of children which play an important role in developing their personalities. It will also help them to discover their area of interests and develop habit of logical discussions. There are plenty of books for children to read and get benefited from such as author “Roald Dahl” wide array of books which are very useful for teenagers.
3. Watch Educational Videos:
Sites such as YouTube have become an effective tool of learning. The students of colleges and universities can utilize their time by watching educational YouTube videos and documentaries for enhancement of their knowledge. They can utilize this time to further enhance understanding of their respective field.
4. Develop skills:
The students should work on the development of their listening, writing, speaking and reading skills by joining online courses on websites such as Coursera, Future Learn, etc and achieve course certificates. They can also focus on new and interesting skills such as learning a new language, cooking, indoor physical exercises i.e yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, etc.
5. Photography:
The students can start a new hobby like Photography, learn the rules and types of photography, editing of videos and pictures and also learn about basic photography software such as adobe photoshop, coral draw which are in trends these days
6. Gardening:
This one is optional and recommended for those who have a garden or a big enough area within house to accommodate plants. Taking advantage of approaching spring, one can indulge in gardening to nurture and grow flowers. Gardening is a proper skill and requires requisite expertise and concentration. Learning such skills not only help the individual but also helps the environment. It also helps in developing love for plants.
7. Keep Connected with family and friends:
Avoid self-isolation and try mingling with family within house. Spend some quality time with your parents, siblings, and grandparents. Celebrate every day as a parent’s day by helping them in different chores to show affection and love.
Such activities will help us avoid overthinking about the current situation which can lead to anxiety. We should also try to stay away from social media which is creating panic by spreading unauthentic news. Most importantly, we should reflect on our life and try to improve upon what we consider our weaknesses. It will help us become a better person for the overall betterment of society. Well for now you can start by remining indoor and follow government instructions to help in controlling the spread of corona virus.

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