Peshawar Police has arrested the accused who killed the girls after sexually assaulting them, the DNA test of the accused has been matched with samples found on the bodies of assaulted dead girls.
According to the police, the accused belongs to Peshawar, whose age is between 25 to 30 years and he was arrested by Gulberg police. The accused also confessed to sexually assaulting three girls and killing two after raping them.
The police said that the accused every time changed his appearance after raping minor girls.
the girls by changing their clothes. The accused had raped and killed a 10-year-old girl in Railway Colony on July 3. On July 10, the accused raped the second girl in Gulberg and on July 17, the accused killed the third girl after raping her in Kalibari.
While giving a press conference in Peshawar, IG Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police Muazzam Jah Ansari said that the case of rape of girls was a challenge.
IG Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Muazzam Jah Ansari said that police got some clues from the third incident but police had traced him and now he is in custody.
He said the name of the accused is Sohail, a resident of Sifid Dheri, he works in the city.
Moazzam Jah Ansari said that the accused Sohail was a serial killer and the accused used to change his clothes after the incident.