Voice of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Monday, March 17, 2025

Peshawar’s Youngest Female Cosmetologist

KP’s history has an intense impact on the beauty standard, that have been preserved are largely connected to colonial past, where women beauty was demarcated as having fair complexion, long hair, almond eyes and toned-up figure. In such a society where beauty standards are stereotyped, a young 23 years, Hijab Mehmood is making her place as the youngest Cosmetologist in Peshawar.

Hijab is a graduate of Psychology and pursuing her Master’s degree in Sociology but despite having academic distinctions she considers that everyone is gifted with a certain talent, therefore pursuing a career in something that is not only a passion but an enjoyable job is cherishing.

While talking to Voice of KP about her career she said, “I was in 8th standard when I observed that the criterion for beauty around me is makeup and fair skinned. I realised at an early age that makeup is just a tool used to enhance the natural beauty. Therefore, I started a small setup at my home and provide skincare services as beauty is not makeup as considered by our society.”

Furthermore, she added, “I started my journey by taking several courses of skin and beauty treatments from around the country at the age of 15 and learnt from the renowned names in the beauty industry, Kashees and Natasha. As time passed, I felt that I enjoy working on skin and doing makeup. It has now become my passion, and now I own Jiya Makeup Studio at the age of 23, becoming the youngest in my field in Peshawar and having the highest number of followers (10.6k) on Instagram.”

Moreover, Hijab expressed, “through my profession I interact with people, and make them feel empowered, beautiful and confident in their own skin. It feels as a great sense of accomplishment after seeing the results, like other fields it is a fulfilling and rewarding profession. The only hitch that I face at times is the work at wee hours of the morning.”

Living in a conservative area, there is always a pressure to be well-groomed and dress modestly at all the times. Whereas, marriage is also one of the greatest pressures in this society, specifically for women, since childhood, they are prepared to look presentable to be considered for marriage.

“I meet girls with shattered confidence and low self-esteem coming to my salon and asking me to make them beautiful. These are the pseudo-standards set by our society and I not only provide them with the treatments but also try to build-up their confidence”, she added.

Although her family is her biggest support, but there were a lot of setbacks by the society, “my relatives did not like me to work as an Aesthetician, as it was considered and taken off as one of the menial professionals. I was asked to leave it and get married, but I stood firm. Today all the girls in my family idealise me”, Hijab said.

Hijab Mehboob pleads youngsters to pursue their dreams and do not become a financial burden on their parents. She also wants people to have faith in themselves and requested parents through the platform of VoKp to let their children conquer the world without fear. She is currently a technical advisor of Biocos and won various awards including KP Bridal Gala, Professional Style Award of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and others.

It is no doubt that young girls like Hijab Mehmood are truly an inspiration, having achieved a lot in such a short span while still keeping her goals high. Her passion, dedication and creativity towards her profession is taking her further on the road to success.

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