Over 90 Pakistani students are being evacuated from Ukraine amid ongoing Russian-Ukraine conflict. The Pakistan’s embassy in Ukraine on Saturday said it has received 23 more Pakistani students in addition to 70 earlier, who are now set to be evacuated from the country and move to Poland amid the ongoing Russian invasion. These
The embassy said the students were received at the facilitation desk in the city of Lviv and came from different cities of Ukraine, including the capital, Kyiv. It added they would be transported to the Polish border through transport arranged by the embassy.
The Embassy of Pakistan Ukraine has received23more Pakistani students at Lviv Facilitation Desk,coming from different cities of Ukraine including Kyiv.They are set to be transferred to the Polish border through transportation arranged by the Embassy@SMQureshiPTI@ForeignOfficePk pic.twitter.com/zH5g9Xj2EV
— Pakistan Embassy Ukraine (@PakinUkraine) February 26, 2022
In an earlier update today, the embassy said it had managed to evacuate 70 students from Kharkiv city.
The Embassy of Pakistan Ukraine has managed to evacuate 70 students from Kharkiv city which is one of the main battle grounds between Ukrainian and Russian forces. They will be received today at around 11am by Embassy facilitation desk at Lviv Railway Station@SMQureshiPTI pic.twitter.com/kEmzKsnbkP
— Pakistan Embassy Ukraine (@PakinUkraine) February 26, 2022