Voice of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pakistan Army Striving Beyond the Line of Duty in KP

Shahzad Masood Roomi

Pakistan has successfully transited through general election process without any security issue despite heightened threat matrix particularly in KP. Terrorists had threatened the peace and stability in the province days before election day. Professionalism of Pakistan Army and other law enforcement agencies under the visionary leadership of COAS Gen Asim Munir ensured complete safety of hundreds of millions of Pakistani who came out to participate their democratic right. Pakistan Army maintained complete vigilance across the country before polling day and quietly prevented many threats by preventing free movement of miscreants.

Effective border management by Pakistan Army and inter agency coordination with sister forces made peaceful elections possible. It also exhibits a strong and courageous character of Pakistanis as nation who completely rejected the narrative of hatred, divide and terror spread by anti-state forces both from within and abroad.

Pakistan Army is the guardian of motherland and ensuring internal and external security is their prime responsibility but in nation building, Pakistan Army always goes beyond the line of duty to ease out lives of common Pakistanis. Recently many such incidents came to the fore where the role of Pakistan Army as social enabler was noticed.

Helping affected individuals and families of landmines, laid by terrorists, is one such example where Pakistan Army with collaboration of FATA Displaced Welfare Organization (FDWO) has been actively involved in rehabilitation efforts of landmine victims. More than 1000 families are being catered for under this collaboration. In this connection, a ceremony was held in Peshawar where more than 50 individuals affected by landmines including 10 women were honored for their resilience and strength. Corps Commander Peshawar Lt Gen Hasan Azhar Hayat was chief guest in this event. He distributed financial aid in the form of cash and laptops to the victims, showcasing the collaborative efforts of the military and civil society in addressing the needs of those affected. Efforts and cooperation of Pakistan Army was highly praised and appreciated by the participants.

Apart from financial help, Pakistan Army is also helping FDWO to procure bionic arms and legs for landmine victims so that their quality of lives can be improved. Pakistan Army medical corps specialists are providing training to victims to use these artificial arms and legs. Regular eye camps, medical camps and disaster relief programs in remote areas in KP and Baluchistan are also part of Pakistan Army’s efforts to serve the nation.

Art and culture plays a key role in promoting soft image and cultural prowess of the country. Here too, Pakistan Army, is making significant contributions in KP. Recently, Commander Pakistan Army Striving Beyond the Line of Duty in KPPakistan Army’s XI corps, has initiated multiple projects in order to preserve rich heritage of the Peshawar city and to promote local telent in arts and crafts. To this end, a project for rejuvenation to re-do historic Qisa Khawani Bazar has been initiated. Similar efforts of beautification and renovation work are being made in business hub known as ‘Saddar bazaar’ and Peshawar cantonment. These work started in November 2023.

“The city where there was an atmosphere of bomb blast and fear a few years ago, now there is prosperity and development will take place without any hindrance.” These were the remarks of Commander XI Corps when he initiated this beautification drive.

Pakistan Army is well aware of tourism potential of KP and is also cognizant about the need of revival of communicationPakistan Army Striving Beyond the Line of Duty in KP facilities in the province to boast tourism industry. To contribute in provincial toruism, Pakistan Army with collaboration of Pakistan Railways and Frontier Corps North, has initiated a plan to revive the historic Mardan – Takht Bhai Railway track to exploit tourism potential of Takht Bhai. Similar plan is under consideration for Peshawar – Landi kotal portion as well. Much needed railway connectivity to these historical sites will surely attract domestic as well as International tourists to KP.

The biggest outcome of Pakistan Army’s continued efforts in KP and NMDs have emerged in growing national cohesion across all factions of society. Despite heated debates, the peaceful process of election is a pleasant reminder of how Pakistan sets itself apart from India by refusing to support extremist groups. The Pakistani electorates have clearly rejected radical religious & ethnic groups, demonstrating that such polarizing narratives are irrelevant in the nation’s democratic environment. Ethnic nationalist, religious card no more works. This is going to have lasting positive impact on national unity and it all began with Pakistan Army’s efforts to confront all anti-state and anti-society elements 2 decades ago who remains ever ready, always vigilant and committed to go extra mile in service of nation. The efforts of Pakistan Army in KP and NDM towards peace and stability, nation building and socioeconomic uplifting must be highlighted with gratitude as these efforts have become text book examples for many countries.

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